- 0
OpenSSL Deprecation warning
#539 opened by tonial - 0
- 0 is deprecated
#540 opened by tonial - 1
Docs are outdated
#536 opened by darena-antonw - 4
'bytes' object has no attribute 'verify'
#486 opened by michaelschem - 1
integration with keycloak
#505 opened by OverdueCEO - 7
Authentication backend get_userinfo incorrectly assumes the endpoint responds with application/json
#517 opened by sergei-maertens - 1
Access JWT payload
#538 opened by eyk107 - 2
session cookie not sent
#497 opened by l1ll1 - 1
PR for alternate unique identifier setting (`OIDC_OP_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER` instead of email)?
#523 opened by lbeaufort - 0
- 0
update email but not delete data user
#532 opened by mukarif - 1
django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'oidc_logout' not found. 'oidc_logout' is not a valid view function or pattern name.
#531 opened by Alwinator - 1
Allow SessionRefresh middleware subclass to easily accept dynamic request parameters in process_request method
#527 opened by jordan-owen - 0
WSO2 - OIDC_TOKEN_USE_BASIC_AUTH authorization code flow incompatibility
#522 opened by filipeaaoliveira - 0
The override of ModelBackend's get_user() function allows inactivated users to continue accessing the site until their session expires
#520 opened by markbaird - 0
Keycloak call https://<kercloak-server-url>/auth/realms/mmc/protocol/openid-connect/token with refresh token and fails with 400
#519 opened by freaklearner - 5
Redirect url from "?next=" won't be loaded after successful authentication, even when OIDC_REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME="next" is set.
#485 opened by paulstrobel - 2
- 2
Enabling ES256/384/512
#442 opened by ftang001 - 2
ID-token vs userinfo endpoint
#479 opened by pandawankenobi - 1
- 1
- 6
How to use this with Django-rest-framework? (Client-side OAuth2 flow?)
#502 opened by YetAnotherWebDeveloper - 0
- 0
Performance issue
#503 opened by Podolyan98 - 0
- 1
- 0
Don't call `get_settings` inside __init__
#495 opened by phijma-leukeleu - 0
- 0
"DatabaseError: Forced update did not affect any rows" on ``
#491 opened by danielfbnunes - 0
400 - Invalid redirect_uri
#489 opened by SimplySeth - 2
401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url [mozilla-django-oidc - Keycloack]
#483 opened by sagarguptay2j - 1
How to exclude an endpoint
#480 opened by tchouliaras - 2
401 Client Error
#481 opened by lucaromagnoli - 3
JWS token verification failed
#461 opened by krzysieqq - 0
Login and logout issue with keycloak
#478 opened by ankush06 - 4
Django 4 support
#455 opened by GliderGeek - 3
Release request: SessionRefresh should respect the OIDC_AUTH_REQUEST_EXTRA_PARAMS setting
#466 opened by jtrivett - 1
Bad Request: /oidc/callback/
#468 opened by epstein6 - 1
Couldn't get refresh_token back from Auth0
#462 opened by ymao2 - 0
get_token not properly reporting errors
#463 opened by dopry - 0
Support refresh tokens (Okta)
#460 opened by cmc333333 - 10
- 1
SuspiciousOperation at /oidc/callback/: The provider algorithm 'RS256' does not match the client's OIDC_RP_SIGN_ALGO
#456 opened by rv2931 - 0
Reverse for 'oidc_authentication_init' not found if mozilla_django_oidc.urls in namespace with app_name
#454 opened by krzysieqq - 3
Add idp_hint to /oidc/authenticate?
#450 opened by markperri - 0
- 1
- 1
OIDC keycloak in sub app / iframe
#444 opened by leuat