The HTML5 Media Framework. (Unmaintained. See for activity)
- 1
#478 opened by titaniumbones - 1
The way to replay video ?
#469 opened by davidanquetin - 3
Need an updated popcorn-complete.js
#467 opened by steeevio - 3
Website forward is broken for
#476 opened by kirkins - 2
Update build tool to 1.5.7
#401 opened by ScottDowne - 1
- 6
Youtube doesn't seem to be working?
#466 opened by andrecalvo - 0
Broken link to docs for YouTube player URL parameters
#468 opened by ghing - 10
Firing track.end when going back in time? Manually firing track.end?
#416 opened by codingisacopingstrategy - 4
- 2
Can't Use Popcorn.js with Youtube link
#462 opened by itzamit28 - 2
Vimeo onPlayerReady broken: no event fires on load
#463 opened by goingonit - 0
Wikipedia plug-in not working
#464 opened by staplegun - 3
Issue with pause event on Youtube HTML player
#458 opened by syl22-00 - 3
Youtube player api updated
#456 opened by benjah1 - 0 demo video broken
#455 opened by minshallj - 1
Youtube video does not work under IE11.
#453 opened by kristofferwiklund - 0
- 0
- 1
Proper way to update TrackEvents ?
#443 opened by JpEncausse - 1
Add .destroy() methods to Wrappers
#434 opened by jtomaszewski - 1
YouTube not working
#445 opened by shubsengupta - 0
- 0
Player not working on Android
#442 opened by felixclack - 2
Youtube video duration is wrong
#440 opened by syl22-00 - 0
- 0
#438 opened by RushabhJoshi - 0
Make sound cloud data available
#437 opened by nevetssoftware - 0
Prev & Next Button
#436 opened by Realmaker - 1
Play() sub-second resolution?
#435 opened by ttseng - 0
Suggest to create videojs wrapper
#433 opened by zang - 2
Force PopcornJS to Prefer HTML5 Media
#429 opened by apricated - 7
YouTube player auto starts and pauses at the beginning even if autoplay is true.
#430 opened by stevemao - 0
Googlemaps plugin appears not to work
#428 opened by socialtechno - 1
Loading new media source into Smart Media Wrapper?
#427 opened by apricated - 1
Popcorn/YouTube Not Working in Safari
#423 opened by shubsengupta - 3
Soundcloud Controls & Cover Image
#413 opened by apricated - 6
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Lighthouse links are dead in
#414 opened by codingisacopingstrategy - 1 down?
#419 opened by codingisacopingstrategy - 12
Vimeo Wrapper Not Working?
#417 opened by scottgarner - 0
- 2
Adding more plugins
#412 opened by alien09 - 0
Adding more plugins
#411 opened by alien09 - 0
- 0
json parser and the code plugin
#409 opened by puterleat - 0
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Tagthisperson still available ?
#407 opened by SamMarkiewicz - 2
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play() with time parameter not working on iOS 7
#398 opened by jywsn