
This project is now EOL, replaced by Normandy Recipe Server.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Self-Repair Server

Modeled on UI Tour

build status


npm install


npm run build

# or more verbosely
  ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --colors --watch &
  # will need restart if you add new files

Test / Explore

  1. npm build
  2. npm run open deploy/en-US/repair/index.html # will actually run recipes, for now.
  3. open console mode in devtools
  4. heartbeat
  5. profit.



  • give good value
  • don't download or run things stupidly

New Recipes

  • not gross
  • don't repeat yourself (currently unmet)


  • install doesn't need anything too wierd. gem, pip, npm


  • easy for ops
  • 12 Steps
  • end result a set of static files


  • possible to test all recipes
  • easy to test single recipes in isolation

Proposed plan:

Build using webpack

  • this fails on the individual recipe debug
  • fails on 'DRY' (unless GRL gets smarter at node)

Hey, Build a new Recipe


  • git clone and fork

  • make a recipe in recipes

    • copy always.js
    • or make a directory
  • remember that your paths to common and such are relative.

  • it's okay to require new node packages, but these will be reviewed.

Test All The Things


  • tests in /tests/recipes/<yourplace> to mirror your structure.
  • run tests `npm run test:unit --karmafiles="test/**/*.js"
  • attempt 100% code coverage


(tbd, will involve opening page to localhost:5000 with special args).

  1. 'leak' the object to test into window scope.

    window.yourthing = module.exports

  2. In karma debug page (http://localhost:9876/debug.html), it should then be available on the command line to play with.

  3. it.todo, it.only and npm run test:unit --karmafiles="test/path/yourfile.js" are your friends.

  4. (when complete, remove the 'leak')

Iterative (style 2)

  1. Pack it to include all dependencies.
npm run webpack -- test/recipes/always recipe.packed.js
  1. Include it in an html page.

  2. Debug as you will.

Test the runner

// parse the query string as JSON => args to modules.

Interesting things are in window.heartbeat or heartbeat

heartbeat.recipes[1].run({},{simulate: true})
heartbeat.personinfo.personinfo().then((d)=>heartbeat.recipes[1].shouldRun(d, null, {randomNumber:.000001})).then(heartbeat.actions.log, heartbeat.actions.log)


Make a pull-request against Mozilla/self-repair-server.

WARNING Even if you have privileges, please do not push to that repo directly. Pull-requests

  • leave an audit trail
  • allow 'revert'

Hints and Gotchas

Remember that things in setTimeout are hard to catch. shouldRun methods need to be robust to this, or they will break the runner.

try {
  setTimeout(function (){throw Error("wut?")}, 0)
} catch (e) {
  console.log("wont catch it!")
// wont catch!

/*** BUT ***/

setTimeout(function (){
  try {
    throw Error("wut?")
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("caught it!")
}, 0)

Catching a reject in your promise chain:

()=>{}, ()=>{return Promise.resolve('ok')}).then(

Recipes and locales

All locales are built at once, and put in deploy/%locale%

npm run prebuild # creates 'empty' directories in deploy
npm run build    # creates the 'en-US' file.

Debug the live server


Issues / Bugs

For now, github issues at https://github.com/mozilla/self-repair-server/issues


  • runs once per session, about 5 minutes after startup.
  • because of issue #212, people who clear localStorage won't see heartbeat things. This includes users of some addons, and those with some privacy sensitive settings.