
Build Status Issues

Backend API of issue parser app. This repository is required to successfully run the app you can find the front end client here.

How to deploy

Find the full deployment guide here.

To successfully run full app, you have to deploy the front end client also. You can find the front end client documentation here

How to Contribute

You can report bugs at the issue tracker. Find full guide on how to contribute here

Help us by creating Pull Requests and solving issues.

For more in-depth knowledge of system read below How it works.

How it works

This image of the system below will give you a rough overview of how api works. System Design

There will be several components in the backend:

  1. Fetcher : This component will fetch the data from the github API (issues in our case). This component will do only one thing i.e. fetching the data. I suggest to keep the frequency of data fetching in every 15 mins.
  2. Parser/Model : This component will do 3 things: Checking if the issue is passing all the quality and documentation criteria. Parsing the data according to the schema we have for the issues. And saving the data to database.
  3. Data : This is database containing two table Repositories and Issues.
  4. Controller : This is a thin layer between Model and front end. This layer will handle all the routing and REST APIs stuff.
  5. Admin View : Admin view can be used to add or remove repos from the system.