Twich web-based chat ( by Isaac Su (, @isaacsu) based on For discussions and support please visit Please drop me a line when you've got a site running. I would love to hear of twich servers running in the wild. Installation ------------ www/ This are a set of php scripts that serve up the client files and organize the rooms. 1. Create a vhost in Apache and point it to this folder. You will require mod_rewrite for it to function properly. 2. Copy www/_config.php.sample to www/_config.php and enter your own configuration settings. These help to customize the javascript files that are served to the client. var $port = 443; // Port that node server is listening on var $domain = ''; //domain name of node server var $analyticsAccount = ''; // Google Analytics account var $analyticsDomainName = ''; // Google Analytics domain name 3. Edit .htaccess and put your own domain name in instead of 4. www/ is all set up. node/ This is the actual node server. 1. Configuration is in config.js. The only one you should be worrying about is port:443. This has to match $port in _config.php. 2. Start the node server by typing: node server.js
node.js + php realtime browser-based chat app supporting multiple rooms. Based on ry/node_chat.