Introduction to GitHub for Collaborating and Academic Publishing
- aboutaaronNetflix
- amalulla.
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- arbolis
- arhpreston@cassyni
- benlaken@Cervest
- benmarwickUniversity of Washington
- chrismattmannMattmann.AI
- coleww(=^.^=)
- defeo
- FGRibreau@nobullshitbooks @netwo-io @hook0 @image-charts @killbugtoday @mailpopin / Sold @Redsmin @bringr
- FilterKaapiEverest Ventures
- geraudmatheÉcole Européenne du Numérique
- hasantayyarSumUp
- helgalivsalinasLos Angeles, CA
- iandennismillerUniversity of Toronto
- jciskey
- JodooTRHT
- johnfryeBoise, ID
- kgryte@stdlib-js @quansight @data-apis
- matthewgthomasLondon, UK
- mustafairenSicill
- NDumaSpinning on Spheres - Centripetally lightened.
- nejohnson2New York
- ofenerciIstanbul
- RaoOfPhysicsCOALESCE (UWE Bristol); ICCS, Cambridge
- RichardLitt@sustainers
- sahandsGoogle
- SantoshSrinivas79
- sethvincentOlympia, WA
- sivartravisCambridge, MA
- spock74Brazil
- stevereallyTexas panhandle
- sy877
- thomaspmurphyUK
- tjmahrMadison, WI