
Celery application implementation that allows celery tasks to cooperate with multi-tenancy provided by django-tenant-schemas and django-tenants packages.


   $ pip install tenant-schemas-celery
   $ pip install django-tenants


  • Define a celery app using given CeleryApp class.
   import os
   os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'app.settings')

   from django.conf import settings

   from tenant_schemas_celery.app import CeleryApp

   app = CeleryApp()
   app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS)

This assumes a fresh Celery 3.1.13 application. For previous versions, the key is to create a new CeleryApp instance that will be used to access task decorator from.

  • Replace your @task decorator with @app.task
   from django.db import connection
   from myproject.celery import app

   def my_task():
      print connection.schema_name
  • Run celery worker (myproject.celery is where you've defined the app variable)
    $ celery worker -A myproject.celery
  • Post registered task. The schema name will get automatically added to the task's arguments.
   from myproject.tasks import my_task

The TenantTask class transparently inserts current connection's schema into the task's kwargs. The schema name is then popped from the task's kwargs in task_prerun signal handler, and the connection's schema is changed accordingly.