
Repsitory for notes and other independentlly done projects


This repository is where I will be posting notes, review questions, and self made labs based on the certification I am studying. I like to share with the ACloudGuru community my notes from my AWS certifications. Currently I am studying for the AWS Solutions Architect Proffesional Exam. As I just got a job my studying for this Cert will be a slow process. I plan to get it by the end of the year and I will not rush this very difficult Cert. As well as notes I have powerpoints based on presentations I have done for the AWS user group in Waco, Texas located in the presentations directory. Feel free to browse around. I also am currently working on learning how to use CloudFormations. There will be a new repository in my account for my CloudFormation scripts, notes, and IAM policies as both CloudFormations and IAM policies are coded with JSON.