
core dumped error in running the Logger1 with kinect(v1) on Ubuntu 16.04

JunshengFu opened this issue · 5 comments

I can compile Logger1 without any problem, but when I run ./Logger, I got the following core dumped error.
Any suggestions to fix it? Thanks!

Number devices connected: 1

  1. device on bus 001:09 is a Xbox NUI Camera (2AE) from Microsoft (45E) with serial id 'A00367815279043A'
    searching for device with index = 1
    Logger: /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:641: typename boost::detail::sp_dereference::type boost::shared_ptr::operator*() const [with T = xn::NodeInfo; typename boost::detail::sp_dereference::type = xn::NodeInfo&]: Assertion `px != 0' failed.
    Aborted (core dumped)

@JunshengFu @mp3guy I encounterd this same problem when running the ./Logger1 , How did you solve this issue?
Issue is:
`Number devices connected: 2

  1. device on bus 003:07 is a SensorKinect (2AE) from PrimeSense (45E) with serial id ''
  2. device on bus 003:07 is a Xbox NUI Camera (2AE) from Microsoft (45E) with serial id 'A00363801340044A'
    searching for device with index = 1
    Logger: /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:641: typename boost::detail::sp_dereference::type boost::shared_ptr::operator*() const [with T = xn::NodeInfo; typename boost::detail::sp_dereference::type = xn::NodeInfo&]: Assertion px != 0' failed. Aborted (core dumped)

@quanqhow I did got it working with Kinect1. Since it was a half year ago, I only remembered that I googled the error message and then I reinstall a library that Logger required and everything works. But I don't remember the library name now... hope you could solve the problem too.

im also facing this same issue! first logger was unable to detect the kinect while ElasticFusion dose! I have updated the driver for kinect and now im getting same error! any solution!! thanks!!

im also facing this same issue! first logger was unable to detect the kinect while ElasticFusion dose! I have updated the driver for kinect and now im getting same error! any solution!! thanks!!

Hi,Did you solve this problem?

im also facing this same issue! first logger was unable to detect the kinect while ElasticFusion dose! I have updated the driver for kinect and now im getting same error! any solution!! thanks!!

Hi,Did you solve this problem?

I build the logger on a virtual machines with clean Ubuntu installation!! it works for me!