A simple game where you can look at and interact with lot's of colorful balls :)
--> Info: This Game started as a small school project and it's now a (still small) game with lot's of fun features...
Added Features:
- Customizable Size
- Lot's of differently sized and colored balls
- Toggleable border
- Sun-feature (gravitational center controlled with mouse)
- Different gravity directions (Toggle with SPACE)
- No gravity mode (Toggle with SPACE)
- Stop all movements (Key 0)
- Pause Game with ESC
In Future:
- Balls don't bounce infinitly on ground
- Spawn new one's (maybe...)
Sun-feature | No-gravity-mode |
To customize the start (amount of balls, size, colors...) you can change the corristponding variables in src.net.mp3skater.ball.Ball and src.net.mp3skater.Gamepanel.
Get the latest build download from the GitHub Releases.
This project is open source and licensed under the MIT License.