
A small and portable 32/64 bit C code to get windows API address without calling any API

Primary LanguageCThe UnlicenseUnlicense

ARCHIVED - Moved to gitlab

This mini-library allows to retrieve API address in loaded modules without calling standard API GetProcAddress.

Usually this code is found in assembly-written malware to avoid detection and to bypass other PE-format restrictions on functions export.

This code is written in C with some extension to the standard specification and can be compiled in both 32-bit and 64-bit without modifying anything.

Actually VisualStudio and Digitalmars compiler support this code.

The code just export a single api:

FARPROC get_api_address(LPCSTR name, LPCVOID its_page, LPCVOID* found_page);

See code for technical details

All this code is released in public domain