
An Extension to the Tkinter Label, which allows to animate gif images

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An Extension to the Tkinter Label, which allows to animate gif images.


This example shows how easy you can animate a gif in Python. Basicaly the Gif object is handled as label.

    import Tkinter as tk
    import tkinter as tk
from Gif import * 

root = tk.Tk()
# Create a new Gif just like a Tk Label
gif = Gif(root, gif="test.gif")
# After the gif is packed the animation can start
# threaded=False -> No extra thread for animation
# interval=10    -> Every 10 miliseconds a new 
#                   Frame
# n_repeats=-1   -> Endless animation
#                   Use a positive integer to 
#                   define a finit number of animations
gif.animate(threaded=False, interval=10, n_repeats=-1)


Parameter for animate

  • threaded: Boolean, indicates if an extra thread should be used for the Animation or not
  • interval: Integer, Miliseconds between each frame
  • n_repats: Integer, Number of repeated animations. If a negative Integer is passed the animation is endless