
BDD tests using ginkgo for Jenkins X

Primary LanguageGo

BDD tests for Jenkins X using ginkgo



make bootstrap

will install ginkgo gomega and dep

To enable the report goal you will also need to install xunit-viewer via:

make bootstrap-report

Running the BDD tests

If you are running the tests locally you probably want to set:

export GIT_ORGANISATION="my_cool_github_username"

Then to run all the tests in parallel:

make test-parallel

If you want the sequential version (You may be some time):

make test

Or you can run an individual spec like this:

make test-quickstart-golang-http

To add the HTML report generation add the goal html-report like this:

make test html-report

To enable verbose logging do this before running make

export GINKGO_ARGS=-v

Running the Apps BDD tests

To run a test suite against the jacoco app you can run:

make test-app-lifecycle 

This will test jx add app and jx delete app against a known stable version of jx-app-jacoco

To run the same tests as above against multiple apps and versions you can use the following syntax:

JX_BDD_INCLUDE_APPS=jx-app-jacoco:0.0.100,my-app:0.0.1 make test-app        

Environment variables

  • GINKGO_ARGS to pass in any ginkgo command line arguments, like -v for verbose logging
  • GIT_PROVIDER_URL the git provider URL to test against. e.g. your GitHub Enterprise or BitBucket URL
  • JX_DISABLE_CLEAN_DIR set to true to disable cleaning up of the temporary work directories
  • JX_DISABLE_DELETE_APP set to true to disable deleting of the app from Jenkins X after a test
  • JX_DISABLE_DELETE_REPO set to true to disable deleting of the repo from Jenkins X after a test
  • JX_DISABLE_TEST_PULL_REQUEST set to true to disable testing the PR workflow
  • JX_DISABLE_WAIT_FOR_FIRST_RELEASE set to true to disable waiting for the first release pipeline to complete. Handy if you are testing/debugging the Pull Request flow as it speeds up the test

Debugging tests in your IDE

See Debugging for guidance on how to debug these tests in various IDEs.