
Documentation for Reaction

Primary LanguageCSSGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


📝 reaction-docs is the new static documentation generator for all Reaction Commerce projects.


  • Node, 6.x and above
  • Yarn
  • Docker


  • Docusaurus, for static-site documentation generation
  • Markdown for Docs
  • React for components
  • highlight.js for JavaScript, HTML, CSS, shell syntax highlighting
  • Prism.js for JSX, GraphQL syntax highlighting
  • Algolia DocSearch
  • ESLint configured with Reaction Commerce eslint config
  • LiveReload during development
  • Docker

Getting started

git clone git@github.com:reactioncommerce/reaction-docs.git
cd reaction-docs
docker-compose up

Open localhost:4242


  1. Add a new Markdown file in public-docs.
  2. At the start of the file, add the required frontmatter:
id: doc2
title: document number 2
  1. Add the Markdown file to the table of contents, at website/sidebars.json
  2. The server uses LiveReload, so as soon as you save, you should see the changes at localhost:4242.

For more Markdown features, including autogenerated table of contents, refer to Docusaurus docs.

Adding images

Save the image in website/static/assets and reference it like this:

![](/assets/admin-dashboard.png "Reaction Dashboard")

Cross Linking

Reference other articles by their filename:

Refer to the [FAQs](faqs.md) article

Syntax highlighting

Supports js, jsx, graphql, html, sh, git, yaml and more.


The Header, Footer, index page and version pages are developed in React and CSS within the website/core and website/static directories. Site configuration details are managed in website/siteConfig.js.


docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f


docker-compose run --rm web yarn lint
docker-compose run --rm web yarn lint:fix:eslint

Running commands

docker-compose run --rm web [...] will run any command inside a Docker container and then remove the container.


docker-compose run --rm web yarn install \
&& docker-compose down --rmi local \
&& docker-compose build \
&& docker-compose up


Tests are stubbed out for now.


Add a new version

docker-compose run --rm web yarn run version <version>

Rename an existing version to a new name

docker-compose run --rm web yarn run rename-version <currentVersion> <newVersion>

See Versioning guide for more.

Releasing a new version

  1. Add a new version
docker-compose run --rm web yarn run version <version-number>
  1. Restart the container:
docker-compose down && docker-compose up
  1. Run locally to confirm the version number has been changed on localhost:4242, and the previous version has been added to localhost:4242/versions list.

  2. If all things look good, push the branch up to make a pull request.

  3. Merge to master to auto-deploy


Merge to staging branch

Merging to staging will trigger a CircleCI build to https://reaction-docs-staging.reactioncommerce.com/

Merge to master branch

Merging to master will trigger a CircleCI build to http://reaction-docs-production.netlify.com