Arconet is a web application that let you control your devices and some other cool stuff
- Set-up the connection to each device
- Manage your RTVs(Real Time Value)
- Set-up desktop notifications(browser API) for your RTVs
- Online terminal to speak(literally) with your devices
- Terminal command buffer
- Voice recognition, so for example you can say "Show me the kernel execution result"
- Speech synthesis, so when the terminal reacts to some singal, he speaks to you
- Voice command actions can be wrote in pure JavaScript, so you can say "Add five plus ten" and make an action to send 15 to a device
- RC4 encryption Arconet->Device
- Store quick data for each device
- Store data sets for each device
- Store shared data across device
- Queues
- ...
You can deploy Arconet in any web server that support Laravel
If you want to test and develop, use Vagrant with the Laravel's Homestead box, for more information, check the docs
Contributing to Arconet
Expose any constructive idea and lets work
I made a basic library to use Arconet with an Arduino, but if you want to use it with another device, just tell me and lets work on that :)
Arduino library
The Arconet app is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license