This is a POC of a Cloudformation that deploys a sample Java app. The only thing to take into account is that Java app needs to be called with a special header.
- I used a substacks approach to make it more clear the code maintenance
- VPC with ELB on public subnetworks and Instances on private ones
- Apache server on the intances that provide the necessary header (The other option IMHO is using cloudfront)
- HTTPS support. I could create it using cloudformation, but it is necessary to validate the Certificate with a proper Domain Validation, and I haven't anyone.
- I prepared a
script to create the stack and update when it is necessary. It uses a bucket "mpalop-test" that has to be defined properly. check the code.
cloudformation ./
usage: IAM_Profile Action:create|update
An example of the execution:
cloudformation ./ manel-test create
### Validating -> computing.yaml
"CapabilitiesReason": "The following resource(s) require capabilities: [AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile, AWS::IAM::Role]",
"Description": "Computing (SNS, LaunchConfiguration, AutoscalingGroup, ScalePolicies)[test]",
"Parameters": [
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "KeyName"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "TargetGroupArn"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "MinSize"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "LoadBalancerSgId"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "VpcId"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "LoadBalancerArn"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "Subnetworks"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "ImageId"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "ServiceNamePrefix"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "InstanceType"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "MaxSize"
"Capabilities": [
### Validating -> elb.yaml
"Description": "ELB (Public and Private Subnets, IGW, NatGW, Route Tables)[Assignment]",
"Parameters": [
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "VpcId"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "Subnetworks"
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "ServiceNamePrefix"
### Validating -> stack.yaml
"CapabilitiesReason": "The following resource(s) require capabilities: [AWS::CloudFormation::Stack]",
"Description": "Main File",
"Parameters": [],
"Capabilities": [
### Validating -> vpc.yaml
"Description": "VPC (Public and Private Subnets, IGW, NatGW, Route Tables)[Assignment]",
"Parameters": [
"NoEcho": false,
"ParameterKey": "ServiceNamePrefix"
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file tmp/stack.package.yaml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /Users/manel/work/test/cloudformation/tmp/stack.package.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>
"CapabilitiesReason": "The following resource(s) require capabilities: [AWS::CloudFormation::Stack]",
"Description": "Main File",
"Parameters": [],
"Capabilities": [
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-west-1:885917040675:stack/test/89236910-e60e-11e8-a101-50fae9b818d2"