A Mattermost bot to randomly pair up team members for a private chat, written in Go.
Env Variable | Description | Example |
SERVER_URL | The URL of the Mattermost server, including the protocol (i.e. https) | https://my-mattermost.com |
BOT_USERNAME | The username (or email) the bot should use to login | buddybot |
BOT_PASSWORD | The password the bot should use to login | password123 |
DEBUG_CHANNEL | (optional) The name of the channel where the bot can write debug messages. | debug-channel |
DEBUG_CHANNEL_TEAM | (optional) The name of the team where the debug channel is located. | debug-channel |
To run the code in a docker container run the following:
docker build -t mattermost-buddybot .
And run the following to run a container in the foreground, which will be removed with CTRL-C
docker run -it --rm \
-e SERVER_URL=https://my-mattermost.com \
-e BOT_USERNAME=buddybot \
-e BOT_PASSWORD=password123 \
-e DEBUG_CHANNEL=debug-channel \
To deploy the Docker container to Kubernetes, you'll first need to create a secret with the bot's login credentials.
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE create secret generic mattermost-buddybot \
--from-literal=server-url=https://my-mattermost.com \
--from-literal=username=buddybot \
--from-literal=password=password123 \
--from-literal=debug-channel=debug-channel \
Then deploy the container via the provided manifest:
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE -f kubernetes.yaml
To check the bot is running, mention the bot in any channel like: @buddybot, are you running?