
Implementation of the Gutenberg editor as a Laravel Nova Field based on Laraberg.

Primary LanguageVue

Nova Gutenberg

Implementation of the Gutenberg editor as a Laravel Nova Field based on Laraberg.


  • Laravel Nova
  • PHP 7.1.0+

Implemented Functionality

  • Editor field in form.
  • Field on index listing.
  • Field on resource display.
  • Image upload functionality.


  1. Currently you can only have one Gutenberg field on a given page, due to how the Gutenberg library is implemented. Efforts are being made to address this upstream, but it has yet to be determined if that is possible.
  2. The editor UI still allows and prompts for drag-and-drop functionality. Unfortunately that is currently not functional, and the Media Library button must be used instead.


  1. Install the package:
composer require genealabs/nova-gutenberg:*
  1. Publish Laravel FileManager's assets and config:
php artisan vendor:publish --tags=lfm_config
php artisan vendor:publish --tags=lfm_public


use GeneaLabs\NovaGutenberg\Gutenberg;

class BlogPost extends Resource
    // ...

    public function fields(Request $request) : array
        return [
            // ...
            // ...

    // ...


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