
Modified version of the original pynovisao software found here http://git.inovisao.ucdb.br/inovisao/pynovisao

Primary LanguagePython



Download and install Anaconda for Python 2.7 64-bit https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/

Open an Anaconda2 terminal

$ cd path/to/your/project
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use

Place all images you wish to annotate in the data/train/ directory

Once you are in the project's root folder

 $ cd src
 $ python main.py

Once the UI is initialized go to File -> Open an Image and select one image from the "train" folder

Segmentation -> Execute (You can play around with the different segmentators or configurations to see what happens, but i suggest using the preconfigured ones)

After the segmentation finishes, you will see that the image is now split and each segment has a border around it.

Annotation steps

  1. By default all segments are annotated as Noise.
  2. Click on the Sunlit class (on the left of the panel) and annotate the sunlit leaves.

If you missclick by accident, pick the correct class and click again

Finally, if you open an already annotated image, the annotation will be reset, so keep track of your completed images

You can find the generated mask for your image inside data/train_labels/

Original software found at http://git.inovisao.ucdb.br/inovisao/pynovisao .

NPOSL-30 https://opensource.org/licenses/NPOSL-3.0 - Free for non-profit use (E.g.: Education, scientific research, etc.). Contact Inovisão's Prof. Hemerson Pistori (pistori@ucdb.br), should any interest in commercial exploration of this software arise.
