
Python API and SDK for Touch Portal.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

TouchPortal-API for Python

Easy way to Build Plugins for TouchPortal with little understanding of Python.


Simply run this in your command line pip install TouchPortal-API. Or you can download here and do pip install [fileyoudownloaded]. Or, download/clone the source code from this repository and place the TouchPortalAPI/TouchPortalAPI folder from here into your plugin project's folder.

Make sure to use the latest version of Touch Portal. This Python API supports Touch Portal API version 3.0, as used in TP V2.3+.


import TouchPortalAPI # Import the api

# Initiate the client (replace YourPluginID with your ID)
TPClient = TouchPortalAPI.Client('YourPluginID')

# This Will run once You've connected to TouchPortal
def OnStart(data):
    # `data` is a Python `dict` object created from de-serialized JSON data sent by TP.
    print('I am Connected!', data)

    # This if you want to update a dynamic states in TouchPortal
    TPClient.stateUpdate("(Your State ID)", "State Value")

    # Or You can create an list with however many state you want and use this function to send them all
    updateStates = [
            "id": "(Your State ID)",
            "value": "(The Value You wanted)"
            "id": "(Your 2nd State ID)",
            "value": "(The Value You wanted)"

# This manages when you press a button in TouchPortal it will send here in json format
def Actions(data):

# This Function will get called every time when someone changes something in your plugin settings
def Settings(data):
    print('received data from settings!')

# When TouchPortal sends close Plugin message it will run this function
def shutDown(data):
    print('Received shutdown message!')
    TPClient.disconnect() # This is how you disconnect once you received the closePlugin message

TPClient.connect() # Connect to Touch Portal

Example Plugin

Make a Folder in %appdata%/TouchPortal/plugins/ called ExamplePlugin and make a file called entry.tp and paste this json data inside.

  "sdk": 3,
  "version": 100,
  "name": "Example Plugin",
  "id": "ExamplePlugin",
  "configuration": {
    "colorDark": "#222423",
    "colorLight": "#020202"
  "categories": [
      "id": "Main",
      "name": "Example Plugin",
      "actions": [
      	  "id": "ExampleAction",
          "name": "This is Example Action",
          "prefix": "plugin",
          "type": "communicate",
          "tryInline": true,
          "format": "Print({$ExampleTextData$})",
          "data": [
        	    "id": "ExampleTextData",
              "type": "text",
              "label": "text",
              "default": "Hello World"
      "events": [],
      "states": [
          "id": "ExampleStates",
          "type": "text",
          "desc": "Example States",
          "default": "None"

Save this somewhere and also Make sure you've Setup the entry.tp file as well then reboot TouchPortal you should see your plugin. Without This script the Plugin wont do anything right? lets run this file and Use one of the action! Note This is just a Example Plugin

import TouchPortalAPI as TP

# Setup callbacks and connection
TPClient = TP.Client("ExamplePlugin")

@TPClient.on(TP.TYPES.onConnect) # Or replace TYPES.onConnect with 'info'
def onStart(data):
    print("Connected!", data)

@TPClient.on(TP.TYPES.onAction) # Or 'action'
def Actions(data):
    # do something based on the action ID and the data value
    if data['actionId'] == "ExampleAction":
        # get the value from the action data (a string the user specified)
        action_value = getActionDataValue(data, 'ExampleTextData')
        # We can also update our ExampleStates with the Action Value
        TPClient.stateUpdate("ExampleStates", action_value)

@TPClient.on(TP.TYPES.onShutDown) # or 'closePlugin'
def shutDown(data):
    print("Got Shutdown Message! Shutting Down the Plugin!")
    TPClient.disconnect() # This stops the connection to TouchPortal

# After Callback setup like we did then we can connect
# Note that `connect()` blocks further execution until
# `disconnect()` is called in an event handler, or an
# internal error occurs.

API Documentation


  • onHold_up - "up"
  • onHold_down - "down"
  • onConnect - "info"
  • onAction - "action"
  • onListChange - "listChange"
  • onShutdown - "closePlugin"
  • onBroadcast - "broadcast"
  • onSettingUpdate - "settings"
  • allMessage - "message"
    • Special event handler which will receive all messages from TouchPortal.
  • onError - "error"
    • Special event emitted when any other event callback raises an exception. For this particular event, the parameter passed to the callback handler will be an Exception object. See also pyee.ExecutorEventEmitter.error event.


A client for TouchPortal plugin integration using event listener callbacks. Implements a pyee.ExecutorEventEmitter.


  • pluginId (str): ID string of the TouchPortal plugin using this client. Required.
  • sleepPeriod (float): Seconds to sleep the event loop between socket read events (default: 0.01).
  • autoClose (bool): If True then this client will automatically disconnect when a closePlugin message is received from TP.
  • updateStatesOnBroadcast (bool): Default True Which means when user switch page It will auto update all the states to get fresh data.
  • checkPluginId (bool): Validate that pluginId matches ours in any messages from TP which contain one (such as actions). Default is True.
  • maxWorkers (int): Maximum worker threads to run concurrently for event handlers. Default of None creates a default-constructed ThreadPoolExecutor.
  • executor (object): Passed to pyee.ExecutorEventEmitter. By default this is a default-constructed ThreadPoolExecutor, optionally using maxWorkers concurrent threads.

List of Methods

  • isActionBeingHeld(actionId)
    • This returns True or False for an Action ID. If you have an Action that can be held, this nethod would return True while it is being held, and False otherwise.
  • createState(stateId, description, value)
    • This will create a TP State at runtime. stateId, description, and value are all required (value becomes the State's default value). If the State already exists, it will be updated with value instead of being re-created.
  • createStateMany(stateId, states:list)
    • Convenience function to create several States at once. states should be an iteratable of dict types in the form of {'id': "StateId", 'desc': "Description", 'value': "Default Value"}.
  • removeState(stateId)
    • This removes a State that has been created at runtime. stateId needs to be a string.
  • removeStateMany(states)
    • Convenience function to remove several States at once. states should be an iteratable of state ID strings.
  • choiceUpdate(stateId, values)
    • This updates the list of choices in a previously-declared TP State with id stateId. See TP API reference for details on updating list values.
  • choiceUpdateSpecific(stateId, values, instanceId)
    • This updates a list of choices in a specific TP Item Instance, specified in instanceId. See TP API reference for details on updating specific instances.
  • settingUpdate(settingName, settingValue)
    • This updates a value in your plugin's Settings.
  • stateUpdate(stateId, stateValue)
    • This updates a value in ether a pre-defined static State or a dynamic State created in runtime.
  • stateUpdateMany(states)
    • Convenience function to update serveral states at once. states should be an iteratable of dict types in the form of {'id': "StateId", 'value': "The New Value"}.
  • updateActionData(instanceId, stateId, minValue, maxValue)
    • This allows you to update Action Data in one of your Action. Currently TouchPortal only supports changing the minimum and maximum values in numeric data types.
  • send(data)
    • This will try to send any arbitrary Python object in data (presumably something dict-like) to TouchPortal after serializing it as JSON and adding a \n. Normally there is no need to use this method directly, but if the Python API doesn't cover something from the TP API, this could be used instead.
  • connect()
    • Call this method to connect to TouchPortal after all your setups are complete. Normally this is used at the end of your script. Does nothing if the client is already connected.
    • If connection is successful, it starts the main processing loop of the TP network client.
    • Note that connect() blocks further execution of your script until disconnect() is called in an event handler, (when autoClose is False), TP sends closePlugin message and autoClose is True, or an internal error occurs (for example Touch Portal disconnects unexpectedly).
  • disconnect()
    • Trigger the client to disconnect from TouchPortal. Normally this is used in @TPClient.on("closePlugin") callback but it can be used any way you like. Does nothing if client is not currently connected.
    • It is not necessary to call this method if autoClose was set to True in the Client() constructor.
  • getActionDataValue(data:list, valueId:str=None)
    • Utility for processing action messages from TP. For example:
      {"type": "action", "data": [{ "id": "data object id", "value": "user specified value" }, ...]}

    • Returns the value with specific id from a list of action data, or None if the id wasn't found. If a null id is passed in valueId then the first entry which has a value key, if any, will be returned.

    • Arguments:

      • data: the "data" array from a TP "action", "on", or "off" message
      • valueId: the "id" to look for in data. None or blank to return the first value found.


  • convertImage_to_base64(image, type="Auto", image_formats=["image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/jpg"])
    • image can be a URL or local file path.
    • type can be "Auto", "Web" (for URL), or "Local" (for file path).
    • image_formats is a list of one or more MIME types to accept, used only with URLs to confirm the response is valid.
    • May raise a TypeError if URL request returns an invalid MIME type.
    • May raise a ValueError in other cases such as invalid URL or file path.
  • updateCheck(name, repository)
    • Returns the newest tag name from a GitHub repository.
    • name is the GitHub user name for the URL path.
    • repository is the GitHub repository name for the URL path.
    • May raise a ValueError if the repository URL can't be reached, doesn't exist, or doesn't have any tags.

Change Log


1.4 (7/12/2021)
- Removed Socket Object from callback (v1.3 or older required to remove `client` from callback.)
- Added updateStatesOnBroadcast (automatically send all states on Broadcast message.)

1.3 (6/12/2021)
Pull requests from [#5](https://github.com/KillerBOSS2019/TouchPortal-API/pull/5) and [#6](https://github.com/KillerBOSS2019/TouchPortal-API/pull/6)
- Minor cleanups
- Refactor Client to use selectors and non-blocking sockets.
- Sync __init__.py with PyPi version.
- Optimize validations and key safety
- Added createStateMany()
- Added removeStateMany()

1.2 (4/12/2021)
- Added isActionBeingHeld(actionId) returns True or False

1.1.1 (3/24/2021)

Fix: fixed the readme for typo's
Fix: keywords
Fix: updateStates now only updates when value changed
Fix: createState now update the state if it already exists
Fix: updateSetting now only updates when value has changed

1.1.0 (3/23/2021)
- Fixed some typos

1.0 (3/23/2021)
# Feautres
- Easy to use
- createState
- removeState
- choice Update
- choice Update Specific
- setting Update
- state Update
- State Update Many
- Converting image to base64
- Update check

Touch Portal API documentation



If theres are any bugs, Issues or if you need help feel free use Issue tab


Feel Free to suggest a pull request or Fork