Wikidata Toolkit is a Java library for accessing Wikidata and other Wikibase installations. It can be used to create bots, to perform data extraction tasks (e.g., convert all data in Wikidata to a new format), and to do large-scale analyses that are too complex for using a simple SPARQL query service.
- Wikidata Toolkit homepage: project homepage with basic user documentation, including guidelines on how to setup your Java IDE for using Maven and git.
- Wikidata Toolkit examples: stand-alone Java project that shows how to use Wikidata Toolkit as a library for your own code.
- Wikidata Toolkit Javadocs: API documentation
Authors: Markus Kroetzsch, Julian Mendez, Fredo Erxleben, Michael Guenther, Markus Damm, and other contributors
License: Apache 2.0
The development of Wikidata Toolkit has been partially funded by the Wikimedia Foundation under the Wikibase Toolkit Individual Engagement Grant, and by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under Emmy Noether grant KR 4381/1-1 "DIAMOND".