
Make a click sound when emacs does garbage collection

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

gc-geiger mode

Make a click sound when emacs does garbage collection


I use doom emacs, I assume if you are using emacs directly you know how to install packages.

Doom emacs

In packages.el

(package! gc-geiger
    :recipe (:host github :repo "mparalos/gc-geiger"))

In config.el

(use-package! gc-geiger)

Customizing the sound

The variable containing the sound to be played when GC happens is gc-geiger-sound, it contains the raw data for the sound, obtained from a wav file.

There might be a better way to do this, but I have done it by embedding a base64 string in the emacs lisp code. To change the sound, first, get a .wav file of the sound you want to play. Then, to get the base64 encoding of the wav file, you can use:

base64 -w 0 sound.wav

Which will give you a (probably long) base64 string.

Finally, in your emacs config, add:

(setq gc-geiger-sound (base64-decode-string "the string from the previous command"))

Included sound source

The sound included in the package is click6b.wav by stijn, on freesound.org.

Link to original file