
Abandoned, non-functional code base?

alexpanter opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there :)

Apologies for my overly negative title, but I have great difficulty getting this to "just work".
I'm on Ubuntu 22, dependencies installed (python3, pip3, pandoc, texlive-full, etc.), and a myriad of errors.
In no particular order:

  • had to go to wg21/deps/python/pyvenv.cfg and change the variable include-system-site-packages to true, otherwise it couldn't find the installed Python packages, e.g. requests.
  • It complained multiple times about "error reading bibliography file wg21/data/csl.json", in which case I had to manually delete that file before I could run the Makefile again.
  • After fixing a lot of problems that should seem unrelated / I don't care, I get an error with a Latex command "\CSBlock" undefined.

There are (asides from this one) 7 open issues unattended.

It seems I must resort to raw Latex, because at least that works :/
This tool looks really cool otherwise, I'm really hoping these issues get fixed / documented.

Kind regards.

mpark commented

Haha, definitely not abandoned. I'm surprised by how much issues you've had... I can try it myself but I'm on a Mac. Let me try to repro. I've been working on this project intermittently in batches, unless there are breaking issues. The pending issues I haven't particularly considered to be breaking issues so far.

Great to hear! Perhaps I didn't do things right with the Python stuff. Also, the pandoc version is quite outdated (apparently things move fast in Python world!) - that could be related?

mpark commented

I played with a Docker image a little bit, and I've experienced some of what you've experienced. It is quite bad at the moment when there are missing dependencies and such due to the Makefile being written seemingly rather poorly 😞I'll be working on addressing these issues.