- 4
Abandoned, non-functional code base?
#92 opened by alexpanter - 1
#98 opened by sdarwin - 3
Run example is not correct.
#96 opened by BengtGustafsson - 4
- 1
automatically install texlive-xetex?
#93 opened by ericniebler - 2
- 1
- 1
- 8
New Pandoc compains about `cslreferences`
#54 opened by mpusz - 0
- 1
Improve readability on phones
#84 opened by RedBeard0531 - 1
Toggle Diffs
#42 opened by brevzin - 2
Python 3.9 posixpath not happy
#80 opened by PeterSommerlad - 1
- 4
Broken with Pandoc 2.10
#65 opened by mpark - 4
Non git submodule consumption
#52 opened - 0
HTML title just has markdown eaten
#64 opened by brevzin - 2
TonyTable Captions broken
#62 opened by kirkshoop - 1
Improve the style in HTML
#56 opened by Anton3 - 0
Improve table style in LaTeX
#36 opened by mpark - 0
Improve table styles in HTML
#37 opened by mpark - 1
Support escaped Markdown in inline code.
#50 opened by mpark - 0
Don't download the C++ icon for the HTML version.
#53 opened by mpark - 0
- 0
Add instructions for Debian
#47 opened - 0
paper must have at least one code block :)
#44 opened by kirkshoop - 2
`language.dtd` not found
#43 opened by vitaut - 2
Create a link for headers in HTML
#26 opened by mpark - 0
Can't put a div inside a p
#33 opened by brevzin - 2
- 0
- 2
HTML does not show \pnum
#20 opened by Axel-Naumann - 1
HTML tables should have borders
#18 opened by Axel-Naumann - 2
Underline / strikethrough in PDF
#19 opened by Axel-Naumann - 1
Stray quotes at beginning of HTML doc
#21 opened by Axel-Naumann - 2
PDF broken in master
#17 opened by Axel-Naumann - 1
p1260: possible customisation point
#3 opened by KantarBruceAdams - 1
Alternatives to markdown?
#2 opened by KantarBruceAdams - 3
P1260r0 (Pattern Matching) paper has accidental switch fallthrough bug in example code
#1 opened by AbigailBuccaneer