
TiddlyWiki Classic - see https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 for the new version

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the master repository of the source code for the classic version 2.x.x of TiddlyWiki. The latest version is TiddlyWiki5.

If you simply wish to use TiddlyWiki or to find out more about it, it is easiest to do so at http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/

TiddlyWiki's source code is split up into a number of separate files which are then joined together using the TiddlyWiki5 command line tool to produce a single HTML file.

The scripts used to test and build TiddlyWiki for publication at tiddlywiki.com can be found at https://github.com/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki.com/.

Discussion on TiddlyWiki development issues takes place on the TiddlyWikiDev group.


TiddlyWiki is Copyright 2013 UnaMesa Assocation

It is licensed under a BSD License. See html/copyright.txt for the exact terms.