
Api which retrieve statistics of deployed mule apps, scheduler and anypointMQ for given org and env.

Primary LanguageRAML


Api which retrieve statistics of deployed mule apps, scheduler and anypointMQ for given org and env.

How to run

Configure anypoint-statistics-DEV-config.yaml with the credentials and env. If you have AnypointMQ then region is required to retrieve MQ stats.

  user: "<<user-name>>"
  password: "<password>"
  environmentName: "Sandbox"
  organizationName: "<<org-name>>"
  region: "us-east-1" #Required for AnypointMQ stats

Api is using basicAuth. In order to run you will have to pass user/password. Below are the credentials

Username: admin
Password: admin

GET https://localhost:8082/api/v1/statistics

Sample Response:

    "apps": [
            "dateTime": "2019-06-21T21:57:20.568Z",
            "appName": "employee-dev-api",
            "memoryUsed": "28.15%",
            "maxMemory": "0.45GB",
            "cpuUsed": "0%",
            "cores": "0.1 vCores"
    "anypointMQ": [],
    "schedulers": [
            "appName": "employee-dev-api",
            "id": "5ceb740c61eee312fc3d34b4_load-and-cache-data_load-and-cache-data",
            "flow": "load-and-cache-data",
            "name": "load-and-cache-data_Scheduler",
            "lastRun": "2019-06-21T13:04:21.974Z",
            "enabled": true,
            "status": "IDLE",
            "schedule": {
                "timeUnit": "hours",
                "period": 10


  • Amit Kothari
  • Ashish Kharbanda
  • Imtiyaz Qureshi