
Primary LanguageC++

Random Walk on Networks

This repository contains code to implement random walks and the computation of the spectral dimension on various networks utilizing SNAP. See the arxiv for the corresponding paper.


Clone this repository with git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:mpauly/networks.git. This will not only clone the content of this repository, but also a copy of snap. To install first run make snap. This should build all parts of snap that you need.

After that you should be able to run make. This should build all executables. All graph files are stored in data/graphs/ and data/networks/ (where networks have a weight for their edges), data/dimension contains the spectral dimension extracted from a set of random walks and data/walks/ contains the random walks as binary files. The directory plots/ contains the resulting plots. To generate graphs execute ./make_graphs.x. To run a random walk on one of the graphs run ./random_walk.x 1d_ring_100, and explore the options for the random walker with ./random_walk.x -?. There also is a ./queue_walk.x that is more suitable for use in queuing systems.

Work flow

The standard work flow are the three following steps: 1.) Generating/Downloading a graph via ./make_graph.x. This will generate graph files in the data/graphs/ subdirectory. 2.) Executing a random walk via ./random_walk.x or ./queue_walk.x on one of the graph files. See ./random_walk.x -? for more details on the usage. If you use ./random_walk.x, the result will be a file containing the spectral dimension as a function of the random walker steps in the subfolder data/dimension. If you use ./queue_walk.x, the resulting walks are exported to data/walks. To analyze the spectral dimension, the walks can be merged using ./merge_walks_to_data.x, and then also give a file containing the spectral dimension in the subfolder data/dimension. 3.) Plotting the dimension using python plots/plot_dimension.py data/dimension/SomeDimFile.dat or any other plotting utility of your choice. Also see the various python files in plots/ for more detailed analysis.

Artificial graph data

Artifical graphs can be generated (and in some cases analyzed) using the commands grid.x, hyperbolic.x, ring.x and watts_strogatz.x.

Data handling

Existing graphs can be checked with ./inspect_graph.x. If you perform a random walk with ./queue_walk.x on multiple cores then you typically end up with a set of binary files in data/walks/. To inspect these walks use ./inspect_walks.x. To merge the various walks into a single binary file use ./merge_walks_to_data.x.

Downloading real-world graph data

To download some real-world graph data just run make graph_data. This downloads a few graph datasets. If you then run the corresponding subcommand for ./make_datagraphs.x, this generates the corresponding graph files that you can then run the walker on. For an overview of the corresponding datasets see the list of datasets.