- 0
- 0
- 1
Support outsourced computation under multiple parties based on secret shares?
#232 opened by mialuyao - 1
Sigma GPU memory usage - code over using memory?
#231 opened by HuangPZ - 0
- 0
- 1
[BEACON] Cannot load shared library dllstdint_stubs when running
#226 opened by whcjimmy - 0
[EzPC] Strange behavior after using combination of multiplication and bitwise negation
#194 opened by winnnnnny - 0
Questions on gpuRelu
#223 opened by SkyTu - 1
SCI_OT outputs not matching
#208 opened by anmolbhatia05 - 2
question about SIGMA: Secure GPT Inference with Function Secret Sharing
#197 opened by TheSunWillRise - 2
Code for SIGMA paper
#209 opened by jimouris - 1
- 1
- 3
A question about the usage of DCF implementation
#211 opened by Xenooooooooo - 1
FSS with GPUs
#193 opened by SkyTu - 1
Hi, how can I test the millionaire in SCI?
#161 opened by Ritian-Li - 2
Compiling with target=PORTHOS always fails on "Type_error(8454,1-8454,49): Function HardSigmoid not found"
#152 opened by yg320 - 0
OnnxBridge can not handle reused constant
#210 opened by yyz233 - 0
- 1
Fail to build Seal when building SCI
#173 opened by deadlywing - 0
[SCI] Weird outputs of resnet50-OT
#204 opened by wqruan - 3
[SCI] inquiry about models compilation with varying bit lengths in Athos using SCI backend
#199 opened by tanjina12 - 0
error: cannot resolve overloaded function ‘type_cast’ based on conversion to type ‘long int’
#195 opened by 000HuangWenfeng000 - 0
- 2
[FSS] make install error
#190 opened by HuifengShrimp - 0
Strange behavior with division on arithmetic sharing
#189 opened by zyl2016 - 6
SCI resnet50-OT
#168 opened by MEAMITBHOWMICK - 2
[Beacon]Get errors when compile logistic model
#184 opened by deadlywing - 0
Why the number of threads has an upper bound?
#182 opened by hobbitlzy - 1
[SCI] The output of communication rounds from tests does not match the paper
#133 opened by llCurious - 1
Logistic Regression
#179 opened by HuifengShrimp - 0
[SIRNN] How can I reproduce the batch size of 128 in the Google-30 benchmark?
#178 opened by TungLin1110 - 3
SCI failed to test binaries.
#166 opened by ignorantz - 2
test_ring_matmul error
#148 opened by NDBTjay - 3
SCI fails to compile SEAL
#162 opened by ShikharJ - 5
- 1
error when compiling SCI on Ubuntu18.04
#145 opened by Samuel-1029 - 1
is there any tutorial on SCI/GC?
#127 opened by lidh15 - 1
Missing attribute when compiling TF graph
#126 opened by xingpz2008 - 2
How to convert a downloaded cifar dataset into the form requested by the input?
#169 opened by HuifengShrimp - 1
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How to get network's accuracy?
#172 opened by ZJG0 - 0
- 0
[CryptFlow2] How fast is the ReLU protocol compares to Beaver's multiplication triple?
#159 opened by ntlm1686 - 1
Model and dataset replacement for "EzPC/SIRNN"
#154 opened by zwxandy - 5
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- 1
In Aramis module, when I Makefile in Party0, it shows undifined reference of some functions!
#138 opened by CrazyMotor - 0
[Aramis] Illegal instruction (core dumped)
#141 opened by CrazyMotor