Sort feature
pacman10 opened this issue · 8 comments
Superb app. Using it daily on Android devices and Windows 10 ( with Syncthing. Looking into setting it up on a WebDAV server on a NAS.
Not an issue but a suggestion: would appreciate a Sort facility which would allow me to sort my list on Priority, Context, Project, Due date, threshold date.
On your main "suggestion" - you can easily do this already.
Yes, the best app. Should say that I gave up eventually on a Synology NAS with webdav. Even on a local network and only one connection to the NAS folder it produced lots of conflict files. I think this is more of a NAS issue than a simpletask one (NAS can't write files as short intervals wanting to do lots of file indexing every write - short meaning sometimes many tens of seconds).
I think one solution to this problem (on Webdav, Dropbox etc) is to make even the cloud versions of ST maintain a full local file, and only ever synchronise them on demand (sort of similar to what I ended up doing anyway -- using the cloudless version and synching when I wished with foldersync).
Frankly if I were @mpcjanssen I would save a lot of heartache by dropping the cloud versions altogether and concentrating only on the cloudless ....
Many thanks for this rapid feedback.
Re. your "… you can easily do this already…", I can't find any way to sort the list. Can you give me a bit more help here ? Where is the Sort option in the two menus ? I can sort with the Windows desktop version but can't find a Sort in the Android version.
Again thanks for the warning about the WebDAV problems. Will save me a lot of wasted time. I use a Synology NAS DS220+ and have also noticed that it takes several seconds to register changes to a file. I though it was just me but now you have confirmed my suspicions.
The thing that looks like an inverted triangle made of three lines at the top. See various tabs one of which is sort. Drag these into the order and direction you want. You can save various sort and filter parameters for later use in right-swipe menu
Thanks for this.
I'm afraid I'm still in the dark. I had found that dropdown with the inverted triangle but cannot see why Sort is part of Filter. I want to Sort my list by Priority (irrespective of Context, Project, etc.), for example, but that produces a list broken up into Context groups and within each group the list is sorted by Priority. I can't see how to deactivate this grouping into Contexts so that I simply have a Priority list.
Priority needs to be on the top if you want that to be the first level sort
Aaah, thanks. Found it. That isn't intuitive (for me) but now I know. I'm a Read The Manual Before Asking For Help person but when I tried to find out how to do this in Help -> User Interface -> Filter Activity there was no lead. It simply says "This page explains the user interface. At the moment this is a work in progress so it doesn't cover all items yet".
Thanks to your help I could put together a brief explanation of how to Sort, including a couple of screenshots, if anyone were interested in adding it to the Help screen, with editing if needed. I think this app deserves wider use and extending the Help might do something there. Just an idea.
P.S. I put together a draft but can't upload it because the Upload feature won't accept a .doc file.
@pacman best way would be to provide a simple markdown file with the extra help. I will add it then.