This is a sample server using a RESTful API for an e-commerce platform build with Node.js and Express. It connects to a PostgresSQL database and uses pg-node-migrate migrations to configure the user's database. The API documentation is provided by Swagger UI.
To run this project, you will need to set up a PostgreSQL database and add the following environment variables to your .env file
This is the user for your PG database
The host for your database
Database port
The name of your database
Database name for testing
Password for your database
the url for connecting to your database
Your custom private key
Fork the repository from Github
Clone the repository to your local machine
Once you have your local development environment set up and have added your own .env file, run:
npm run migrate up
This will set up your database as needed for the models to work correctly.
Then, run:
npm run dev
to begin development of your server to suit your needs.
API reference can be viewed at '/api-docs'
To run tests, run the command:
npm run test
Please note: sample test data was added during the migration set up of the database. Depending on your custom configurations, data may need to be edited and/or tests may need to be customized to suit your code.