
Emacs' ivy interface to communicate with Music Player Daemon (MPD)

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


MELPA Stable MELPA pipeline status


The package ivy-mpdel provides an ivy/counsel interface to navigate your Music Player Daemon database (MPD), a flexible, powerful, server-side application for playing music. ivy-mpdel works in cooperation with mpdel, an Emacs client for MPD.


Start by installing mpdel and ivy (you don’t need to use ivy as Emacs’ completion system, just have it installed). Then, clone this git repository. I will ask to get MPDel inside melpa to facilitate installing it.


Start by adding these lines to your init.el file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lib/ivy-mpdel")
(require 'ivy-mpdel)

Then, press mpdel-prefix-key (C-x Z by default) followed by i to get a list of all artists in the MPD database. You can get the same list by typing i inside any MPDel buffer (such as a playlist).

You can add all songs from any artist by selecting the artist and pressing M-o a. You can also browse to the artist’s albums by typing RET (i.e., enter). Add a complete album to the current playlist by typing M-o a or go to the album’s songs by typing RET. Typing M-o a on a song will add it to the current playlist while RET shows information about the song.

Here is a list of keybindings to start ivy-mpdel:

C-x Z iget a list of artists
i within MPDelget a list of artists
C-x Z Iget a list of stored playlists
I within MPDelget a list of stored playlists

Here is a list of keybindings available within ivy-mpdel:

M-o aadd item to current playlist
M-o rreplace current playlist with item
M-o Aadd item to stored playlist
M-o Rreplace stored playlist with item
M-o pstart playing item immediately
M-o ^restart ivy on parent item
RETdive into selected item


See COPYING. Copyright (c) 2018 Damien Cassou.

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