HTTPS-Server serving PHP (FPM) with convention over config.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- Few to no configuration So bye bye to those hours wasting on setting up PHP-FCGI, ratelimiting etc...
- HTTP/2 and IPv4+IPv6 by default
- TLS by default, zero config! (LetsEncrypt)
- Ratelimit by default on PHP-backend
- Proper caching/security headers everywhere
- base64 auth protected /admin to put sensitive stuff behind
- Native support for pre-optimized content. Let Brotli/Zopfli pre-compress assets
and HFast will serve them - Accesslog as JSON for easy parsing
- Dynamic queues (
) to easily queue data to the site without worrying about losing data on bugs in your code (faster code building!)
- You need to place files in the pre-defined project structure
- Think about URL-versioning CSS/img/JS-files if you want to replace them (support file.vXXX.css|js by default where the vXXX is stripped off)
- Content Security Policy (CSP) by default, no CSS/JS in the body of HTML
- Proper deadlines, so 5sec to finish a script, if your script it slower fix it!
Systemd? Supported, see contrib dir for an example config to use.
vi /etc/systemd/system/hfast.service
vi /etc/systemd/system/hfast.socket
chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/hfast.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable hfast
systemctl enable hfast.socket
systemctl start hfast.socket
systemctl start hfast
Example overrides.toml
type Overrides struct {
Proxy string // Just forward to given http(s)://addr:port
ExcludedDomains []string // CSP-domains added to header (allowing external CSS/JS)
Lang []string // Auto redirect to supported pub/[lang]
Admin map[string]string // Admin user+pass for backend
DevMode bool // Protect whole site with Authlist(IP) or Admin user+pass
Authlist map[string]bool // Whitelist with IP=>true, Blacklist with IP=>false (works only with DevMode or /admin)
SiteType string // "" = default (all rules on), "weak" = Site without CSP, "indexphp" = Site with index.php as central file
type Msg struct {
Method string
Host string
URL string
Status int
Remote string
Ratelimit string
Duration int64
UA string
Proto string
Len uint64
Date string
Time string
Referer string
FYI. Example that reads the logs findable in contrib/logparser
Future plan(s)
- Write small co-worker to offer distributed (DNS) hosting where the site is kept online when nodes fall off.
Thanks to: