
This is an Applescript program I wrote for iTunes to deal with a number of duplicate tracks in my iTunes library. I'm creating this repo. in case others are interested in this type of Applescript.


This is an Applescript program I wrote for iTunes to deal with a number of duplicate tracks in my iTunes library. I'm creating this repo. in case others are interested in this type of Applescript.

The way I use this is to select two or more tracks in iTunes that are identical then I run the script from the scroll icon next to the Help pull-down menu. The script does the following:

  • Set rating of all selected tracks (note, the selected tracks should include duplicates and the track to keep) to the highest rated track in the selection.

  • Sum the play count of all selected tracks then set all of the track's play count to the sum.

  • If BPM is set for a track, set all the tracks to that BPM.

  • Find the user playlists of all the selected tracks and add the selected tracks to playlists that they aren't already in.

Once I've run the Prep Tracks for Dedupe script I then delete the tracks I don't want to keep.

To use, copy the following script then run /Applications/Utilities/Script Editor, start a new editing session/window, paste the script into the new window and save the script (give it a meaningful name) in ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts. At that point run iTunes, select at least two tracks where one or more of the tracks is a duplicate then click on the black scroll icon on the taskbar next to the Help pull-down and select the script you saved. It will pop-up a dialogue window asking if it is okay to run and if you click Okay the script will run on the selected tracks. At that point you can delete the tracks you don't want to keep and the remaining track will be in all the playlists that any of the selected tracks was in.