
A python package for splitting up iterables into smaller portions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A python package for splitting up iterables into smaller portions šŸ„£.


pip install dollop



  • Sequences: list, tuple, str, range, bytes, bytearray or any other sequence-like object.
  • Pandas objects: DataFrame, Series.
  • Files: either as a file path or handle.

Example usage (automatically checks object type):

from dollop import serve

for dollop in serve('Dolloping all day long', serving_size=6):

for dollop in serve((1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55), serving_size=4):


ing al
l day 
(1, 1, 2, 3)
(5, 8, 13, 21)
(34, 55)

The serving_size parameter defines how many items/lines/characters/etc. you want in each dollop!

To use type-specific dollop:

  • Sequences: from dollop.sequence import serve.
  • Pandas: from dollop.pandas import serve
  • Files: from dollop.file import serve.

For dollop.file you can specify mode=lines or mode=chars to read the file line-by-line or character-by-character.

See also

The more_itertools and later (Python 3.12+) itertools packages have something similar:

from more_itertools import chunked

chunks = chunked(iterable, n))


from itertools import batched

batches = batched(iterable, n))

However these both have the major disadvantage that typing is not preserved, for example chunking/batching a string does not return an iterable of strings, but an iterable of tuples.