This repo contains all of the code written for our final CS 685 project.
All trained models and datasets used are hosted in the below drive folder.
- Data Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10HFYsf_Z9G6k84Cls0kp3squUr9iqfNo?usp=sharing
- It is not reccomended to download the entire folder at once as it is very large (~100+ gigabytes) and drive often leaves out large binary files unless explicitly zipped with an external tool. Furthermore, many folders will download as seperate zip files cluttering downloads.
All of the jupyter notebooks included here were run on either google colab or a Deep learning VM instance on GCP. For most of the notebooks, model checkpoints for the best (based on validation data) and most recent epoch get saved to drive.
- Classifier_train_eval.ipynb
- Trains binary classifier to distinguish between stylized and normal text for each of the 4 stylizing models (twitter, poetry, lyrics, formality). Evaluates on test dataset that has 5% of outputs randomly replaced with stylized phrases.
- Training takes ~5 hours. Evaluation takes ~45 minutes. Times are averages of running on P100 or V100 GPUs
- Notes when running
- Logging for tensorboard isn't working.
- File paths need to be manually changed for each model being trained / evaluated
- Style_paraphrase.ipynb
- Praphrases IWSLT14 dataset (188,204 lines) with one of four models.
- CDS models take 10 - 15 hours to run while formality / shakespear take 50+ on V100 GPUs hours.
- Ouputted text is saved as a textfile to "IWSLT/2_Style_Paraphrased/". Output length does not always match the input file length and often requires manually adjusting 2-5 lines that have extra crlf .
- Praphrases IWSLT14 dataset (188,204 lines) with one of four models.
- watermarking_approach_1.ipynb
- Implements approach 1 watermarking as described in paper
- Trains Victim model on original and stylized data. Output from the victim model is used to train an attacker model. Evaluation is performed using BLEU4 scores.
- Training time is ~4 hours per model being trained and ~10 hours total per p value and replacement % combination.
- watermarking_approach_2.ipynb
- Implements approach 2 watermarking as described in paper
- Trains Victim model on original and stylized data. Output from the victim model is used to train an attacker model. Evaluation is performed using BLEU4 scores.
- Training time is ~4 hours per model being trained and ~10 hours total per p value and replacement % combination.
- compute_gradient.ipynb
- Implements the maximizes the angular deviation method in Imitation Attacks and Defenses for Black-box Machine Translation Systems from scratch with a little modification.
- Instead of computing the whole model's gradients, we only consider the embedding layer.
- The training data is split into batches for parallel computing. It took at least 10 days to finish the whole process (BLEU-threshold=0.8) when using a Google Colab Pro account with three running pages.
- LM.ipynb
- Use the candidates obtained from the above approace to train a language model (LM) by leveraging fairseq.
- Generate the alternatvie translations by considering victim model and LM through a simple linear combination.
- replac_with_syn.ipynb
- Randomly replace words in the victim output with their synonym based on WordNet.
- Compute the gradients again to find the best candidate.
- Preprocessing IWSLT
- split_lines.py
- Used to split the original data into smaller chunks to allow parallel processing when paraphrasing.
- combine_output.py
- Used to combine the paraphrased output of the files split using the split_line.py sc
- match_line.py
- Created tags for the parphrased training data.
- Prepares data to be tokenized and properly split by fairseq's prepare-iwslt14.sh script.
- getSize.py
- Code snippet ot get size of all the split data for various styles.
- split_lines.py
- Graphing
- Python code to generate pyplots based on input csv's.
- Requires pandas, pyplot.
- Output files are not saved but displayed as manual frame adjustments are needed to prevent overlap of axis.
- drive_download
- Very small script to allow abitrary drive files to be downloaded to GCP based on file id.
- Latex
- Scripts to convert csv's to latex tables for use in final report.