
filtering matches implementation

Primary LanguageJava


This service exposes a capability to search users that match a set of filters.

What is this repository for?

  • Implementation for business case Filtering Matches
  • Contains source code that implements a user finder service and a user matches UI.
  • /src Java code implementation is just a back end using java and spring-boot technology.
  • /ui Angular code implementation is the User Interface to search users using a set of filters.

How to execute this project

  • Docker (17.09) and Docker-compose (1.16.0) is required.

  • Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/fernandoocampo/user-finder.git
cd ./user-finder
  • Execute docker-compose and wait the project is built.
docker-compose up

Using service


The parameters of this service are.

Parameter Description
hasphoto true to indicate if the user must have a photo in its profile.
incontact true to indicate if the user is a contact of the user that is searching.
isfavourite true to indicate if the user is a favourite one.
mincompatibilityscore it is an integer to indicate the minimum compatibility score expected. (1-99)
maxcompatibilityscore it is an integer to indicate the maximum compatibility score expected. (1-99)
minage it is an integer to indicate minumum age expected. (18-95).
maxage it is an integer to indicate maximum age expected. (18-95).
minheight it is an integer to indicate minimum height in cm expected (135-210).
maxheight it is an integer to indicate maximum height in cm expected (135-210).
distanceinkm it is an integer to indicate the distance in km expect to search a prospect.
inquirerlongitude it is the current longitude position of the inquirer user.
inquirerlatitude it is the current latitude position of the inquirer user.
distancelowerbound single selection: lower bound < distanceinkm, upper bound > distanceinkm

To check service health, please go to the following api.

curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/health'

Usage examples

  • Search users that has a photo in its profile.
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/userfinder?hasphoto=true'
  • Search users that has a photo in its profile.
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/userfinder?hasphoto=true'
  • Search users that are in contact with the inquirer user.
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/userfinder?incontact=true'
  • Search users that are in contact with the inquirer user and has a photo in its profile.
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/userfinder?hasphoto=true&incontact=true'
  • Search users that have a minimum and maximum compatibility score.
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/userfinder?mincompatibilityscore=23&maxcompatibilityscore=76'
  • Search users that are near to the inquirer user at a lower bound given 30 km of distance.
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/userfinder?distanceinkm=30&inquirerlongitude=0.187&inquirerlatitude=2.345&distancelowerbound=true'
  • Search users that are near to the inquirer user at a upper bound given 300 km of distance.
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/userfinder?distanceinkm=300&inquirerlongitude=0.187&inquirerlatitude=2.345&distancelowerbound=false'
  • To check if the service is up, we can use the /health endpoint.
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/health'

How do I get set up?

  1. Download the source code from github.com at here

  2. For development process you will need:


  • Java jdk1.8.0_111

  • Maven installer

  • Any IDE that can read maven projects. I used Netbeans 8.2.


  • Find it on ./ui/user-matches-app folder.

  • Visual Studio Code 1.18.1.

  • npm 3.10.10

  • @angular/cli 1.5.4

  • @angular/compiler-cli ^5.0.0

  • if you wish to execute the frontend in development mode, you could do the following:

ng serve --open
  • If you want to test the frontend, please execute the following.
ng test
  1. To run the service and let it ready for consume, docker is required.
  • In the project root folder executes the following.
docker-compose up

when finish please destroy the containers

docker-compose down


  • I am stronger on the backend side.

  • All filters to search are not required.

  • If client doesn't search any filter the system should return an empty array.

  • If client doesn't send minimum or maximum in the range filters, the system should have the following behavior.

    • if minimum value is set and maximum not, the service searches from minimum value until maximum configured default value.
    • if maximum value is set and minimum not, the service searches from the minimum configured default value until the given maximum value.
  • The service is in charge to validate the input data. The search parameters will be validated in the service layer.

  • The service with one node and just a node in the database are enough to support the current number of transactions.

  • The database used in this service hypotetically is a robust.

  • I assume that incontact filter means all those users that are contacts of the inquirer user.

    • Then for this filter I will match all objects which contacts_exchanged is greater than 1.
  • To be able to use mongodb geospatial queries, I have modified the provided matches.json adding an array for localization on city attribute and it has the form loc: [lon,lat].

  • I assume that for distance filter if user doesn't give all the data required for localization, the service ignores this filter.

  • I assume that the service is in a DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone) and it allows connection from any server.

  • I assume that the client captures the user geo position to calculate the distance where the service must start to search.

  • I assume that the service should not validate if the latitude and longitude are valid values.