
Tool to expose any X application as a VNC server

Primary LanguageShell


Turn any X application quickly into a VNC server.

This is like xvfb-run, but lets people actually view the framebuffer by connecting via VNC.


Convenience. And separation of concerns. Good for headless regression testing, but where one still wants to debug interactively.

(Also, Saleae Logic GUI 2 needs a proper headless mode)


We use xvfb-run to start a script. xvfb-run will export the new $DISPLAY variable.

The script starts x11vnc, then the payload command. x11vnc will default to expose the current $DISPLAY.

When payload command exits, x11vnc is killed and script exits. When script exists, xvfb-run exits.

Payload command's exit code is propagated all the way.


  • Install dependencies: xvfb, xvfb-run and x11vnc
  • Git clone this repo to somewhere locally
  • Add to PATH: export PATH=$PATH:<where you cloned to locally>

Overrideable variables

  • X11VNC_PASSWD: Password of VNC server. Default is whatever.
  • XVFB_SERVER_ARGS: Args for Xvfb. Default is -screen 0 1024x768x24.

Usage Example 1

Step 1: First start something up (here xterm) and expose it as a VNC server:

$ ./expose-as-vnc-server xterm
The VNC desktop is:      kbnuxcsfw-mped:0

NOTE: xvfb-run has a default sleep of 3 seconds before executing the payload command!

Step 2: Connect to the new VNC server, from any machine:

vncviewer kbnuxcsfw-mped

The default password is 'whatever'.

Usage Example 2

X11VNC_PASSWD=p4ssw0rd ./expose-as-vnc-server xterm

Usage Example 3

XVFB_SERVER_ARGS="-screen 0 1920x1080x24" ./expose-as-vnc-server xterm


  • Not mature. Env var overrides may change name.
  • Password visible by ps(1). You have been warned!