
Open street-level doors from your terminal

Primary LanguageNix

Open doors from BASH!


A library for Scantron's Nova door-access system.


The Scantron system is widely deployed in Denmark. It comes with a nice Web UI, Nova - but no other App available.

This means there is untapped potential for Scantron systems:

  1. Forgot your Nexus RFID chip? Open the door from an App on your phone.
  2. Geo-fencing: Automatically open the door as you approach!


Unofficial, reverse engineered and very limited capabilities. Only tested with our Nova 100 installation.


You need the URL and proper credentials first. (Consider using git-secret)

Nix is optional, but has all nessecary dependencies (not alot).

$ time nix-shell --pure --run 'open_door_sb95'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<response name="ExecuteFunction" status="0" message="OK. ">
real	0m4.200s
user	0m1.316s
sys	0m0.209s