
An Internet radio using Raspberry Pi, Arduino and MPD

Primary LanguagePython

Wifi Radio is a DIY project of an Internet Radio using Music Player Daemon.

The hardware used consists in a Raspberry Pi model B, an USB Wifi adapter, an Arduino and LCD Keypad Shield for Arduino by DFRobot. This shield will be probably changed later.

Raspberry Pi has latest version of Raspbian with MPD/MPC installed. A python program executed at boot controls the radio.

Arduino is used to receive user interaction through LCD Keypad buttons and to display information in a 16x2 display. It is connected to RPi by USB.


Arduino IDE v1.0 or later: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
LCDKeypad library modified (included in repo)

Raspbian: http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads
PySerial: http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/

1. Copy LCDKeypad library to libraries folder in Arduino IDE
2. Open, compile and transfer ArduinoRadio.ino to Arduino
3. Install Raspbian in Raspberry Pi and setup an Internet connection
4. Configure audio output in Raspberry Pi: http://elinux.org/R-Pi_Troubleshooting#Sound
4. Install mpc, mpd and python-serial in Raspbian
5. Connect LCDKeypad Shield to Arduino
6. Connect Arduino to Raspberry Pi using a Model B USB
7. Start Raspberry Pi and copy radio.py file
8. Determine serial port used by Arduino (ls /dev/tty*)
9. Modify serial port in radio.py if necessary
10. Run radio.py (python radio.py)

+ Change stream
+ More info in screen
+ Web server for configuration
+ IR for controlling radio