
R code and Data Compendium associated with Peeples and Bischoff: Archaeological Networks, Community Detection, and Critical Scales of Interaction in the U.S. Southwest/Mexican Northwest


R code and Data Compendium associated with Peeples and Bischoff: Archaeological Networks, Community Detection, and Critical Scales of Interaction in the U.S. Southwest/Mexican Northwest

The data and code used to conduct these analyses are all within this repository. The site locations provided here, however, are jittered from real site locations due to site protection concerns. The knitted PDF document, however, uses the original correct location information.

To replicate the analyses in the paper and reproduce the figures, run the code chunks in "SupplementalMaterials.Rmd". Note that man of these analyses are computationally intensive and will required 16+ GB of RAM and will take some time, depending on processing power and the number of cores on your computer.