Master Java Streams: Exercises
This repository contains Java Stream exercises divided into 5 units which each correspond to a different topic covered in this series of articles.
- Unit 1: Creating a Stream
- Unit 2: Intermediate Operations
- Unit 3: Terminal Operations
- Unit 4: Database Streams
- Unit 5: Extra Database Exercise
Every Unit consists of three parts:
- a Java Interface (located in folder Unit)
- a Java Implementation (located in folder Solution)
- and a set of Tests (located in the tests folder).
The Interfaces describe the desired behavior of the corresponding Java Implementation, and the Tests can be run to verify that the implementation is correct.
Intended Usage
- Clone this repo locally on your computer
- Open the source-code as a Maven Project in an IDEA of you preference (we have only tried this with recent versions of IntelliJ). This is easily done by selecting ”Open Project” and selecting the Pom.xml-file. By doing so, IntelliJ will automatically generate a Maven Project structure
- Implement the declared methods in the Solutions folder
- Run the tests to see if you passed.
Screenshot of IntelliJ after execution of Unit 4 tests.
Running the source-code requires a recent version of Maven and Java 8 or later.
If your IDE has issues finding the correct dependencies, check that you have opened the project as a Maven project.