
This is a preliminary repository for the submission SEA 2021. Once accepted, this repository will also contain the source code of our tool.

An interactive view of all the data presented here in the sqlite database is available at

Building the Docker image

First of all, you need a recent installation of docker and you need to build the docker image. For this, clone this repository, then:

cd docker
docker build -t sea .

This will build a docker image with all the data, benchs and binaries needed. The -t sea tag gives the container a name (used below in the examples).

The container can open a shell by

docker run -it sea /bin/bash

Direct access to the database

Once the docker is set up, it is possible to access to the database of runs by

docker run -it sea sqlite3 /home/hyperclique/tuwien.sqlite

Then a number of queries are possible:

  • Counts the number of jobs in the database :
  • Prints the benchmarks with their category:
SELECT interestingbenchs.bench, category FROM interestingbenchs, categories
WHERE interestingbenchs.bench = categories.bench
ORDER BY category, categories.bench;

Run hyperclique

hyperclique is available at /home/hyperclique/hyperclique. You may want to run it with the help argument to get informations about running it

docker run -it sea /home/hyperclique/hyperclique -help

All the problems are under /home/hyperclique/tuwien-htd. You can, for instance, run hyperclique with the first method (a) with the default values from outside the docker image with

docker run -it sea /home/hyperclique/hyperclique -a -i tuwien-htd/Dubois-030.xml.htd

Or, if you opened an interactive shell with the following command:

>> docker run -it sea /bin/bash
root@91a79eae4e67:/home/hyperclique# ./hyperclique -a -i tuwien-htd/Dubois-030.xml.htd     
c +============================================================================+
c | Hyperclique enumerations                                                   |
c | Main Developers:                                                           |
c | - Marie Pelleau (                          |
c | - Laurent Simon (                                          |
c | Contributors:                                                              |
c | - Florian Régin (                      |
c |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
c |                                                                            |
c | Debug:                                OFF                                  |
c | Display:                               ON                                  |
c | Hyper-Bron & Kerbosch enumeration:     ON                                  |
c | Hybrid-Bron & Kerbosch enumeration:   OFF                                  |
c | Clique-CE_HBK enumeration:            OFF                                  |
c | Non-uniform clique enumeration:       OFF                                  |
c | Filter:                               OFF                                  |
c | Ordering:                          random                                  |
c | Node filter:                          OFF                                  |
c |                                                                            |
c +============================================================================+
c | *                      tuwien-htd/Dubois-030.xml.htd                       |
c | *        60 hyperedges                                                     |
c | *        90 nodes                                                          |
c | *         3 max rank                                                       |
c | parsing time: 0.000259192 seconds                                          |
c +============================================================================+
c | Hyper-Bron & Kerbosch enumeration:                                         |
c |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
c |        90 |        60 |        60 |         3 | 0.011028915 seconds        |
c | nb calls to BK:        308                                                 |
c | total cliques found:          60                                           |
c | total nb calls to BK:        308                                           |
c | timedout:                      0                                           |
c | BK total time: 0.011840922 seconds                                         |
c | total time: 0.012100114 seconds                                            |
c +============================================================================+

However, for parsing the results, you may want to use the -j argument to output a JSON line:

root@91a79eae4e67:/home/hyperclique# ./hyperclique -a -j -i tuwien-htd/Dubois-030.xml.htd 
{"bench": "tuwien-htd/Dubois-030.xml.htd", "o": 0, "f": 0, "n": 0, "hyperedges": 60, "nodes": 90, "maxrank": 3, "parsingtime": 0.000228, "m": "a", "cliques": [{"nbnodes": 90, "nbedges": 60, "nbcliques": 60, "rank": 3, "time": 0.00983233, "nbcalls": 308}], "totalcliques": 60, "totalcalls": 308, "timedout": 0, "bktotaltime": 0.0104824, "totaltime": 0.0107108}

To help reading/parsing the output, jq is installed on the docker. You can pretty print the output with

root@91a79eae4e67:/home/hyperclique# ./hyperclique -a -j -i tuwien-htd/Dubois-030.xml.htd | jq

Which gives you the JSON output:

  "bench": "tuwien-htd/Dubois-030.xml.htd",
  "o": 0,
  "f": 0,
  "n": 0,
  "hyperedges": 60,
  "nodes": 90,
  "maxrank": 3,
  "parsingtime": 0.00019,
  "m": "a",
  "cliques": [
      "nbnodes": 90,
      "nbedges": 60,
      "nbcliques": 60,
      "rank": 3,
      "time": 0.0103165,
      "nbcalls": 308
  "totalcliques": 60,
  "totalcalls": 308,
  "timedout": 0,
  "bktotaltime": 0.0109974,
  "totaltime": 0.0111877

let's say you want to run again a configuration in the database. The main component in the traces is the table runs.

sqlite> .schema runs 
     (runid Integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT, 
     bench varchar(250), 
     o int, 
     f int,
     n int,
     m CHAR(1) CHECK( m IN ('a','b','c') ),
     maxrank int,
     timedout int(1),
     timeout float,
     hyperedges int,
     nodes int,
     totalcliques int,
     parsingtime float,
     totaltime float,
     bktotaltime float,
     totalcalls int);

It is possible to see the main configurations and results by

SELECT runs.bench, m, n, f, o, totaltime, timedout
FROM runs, interestingbenchs 
WHERE runs.bench=interestingbenchs.bench

which gives (the LIMIT keyword is of course optional)


So, let's say you want to re-run the second entry


You can launch it with (notice that the method is given by -a, -b or -c and not with -m=a or -m=b or -m=c

docker run sea /home/hyperclique/hyperclique -c -m=2 -n=1 -f4 -o0 -j -i ./tuwien-htd/Nonogram-074-table.xml.htd

which gives you the JSON

{"bench": "./tuwien-htd/Nonogram-074-table.xml.htd", "o": 0, "f": 4, "n": 0, "hyperedges": 40, "nodes": 384, "maxrank": 24, "parsingtime": 0.000521, "m": "c", "cliques": [{"nbnodes": 384, "nbedges": 16, "nbcliques": 16, "rank": 24, "time": 4.3197e-05, "nbcalls": 0}, {"nbnodes": 384, "nbedges": 24, "nbcliques": 24, "rank": 16, "time": 0.0838645, "nbcalls": 3265}], "totalcliques": 40, "totalcalls": 3265, "timedout": 0, "bktotaltime": 0.0853867, "totaltime": 0.0859073}

Interesting queries

The table interestingbenchs contains all the selected benchs from the paper:

SELECT count(*) FROM interestingbenchs:

Will give you 1037. You can get the names by SELECT bench from interestingbenchs;

Other queries

  • Jobs in DB : SELECT COUNT(*) FROM runs;
  • Total CPU Time (in days): SELECT ROUND(SUM(totaltime)/3600/24) FROM runs;
  • Number of timed out jobs:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM runs WHERE timedout=1;,
  • Number of trivial jobs (<0.1s): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM runs WHERE totaltime < 0.1;
  • Number of interesting jobs (>1s): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM runs WHERE totaltime > 1;
  • Number of interesting benchs: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM interestingbenchs;

Generates the data for the scatter plot (note that we use 2000s in case of a timeout just for a clear distinction on the scatter. This is not related to the Par2 scoring)

    SELECT (CASE WHEN runsA.timedout==1 THEN 2000 ELSE runsA.totaltime END) AS timeA, 
              (CASE WHEN runsB.timedout==1 THEN 2000 ELSE runsB.totaltime END) AS timeB,
       FROM runs AS runsA, runs AS runsB, interestingbenchs, categories 
       WHERE runsA.bench=interestingbenchs.bench AND 
             runsB.bench=interestingbenchs.bench AND
             categories.bench=interestingbenchs.bench AND
             runsA.m='a' AND runsA.n=0 AND runsA.f=0 AND runsA.o=3 AND 
             runsB.m='a' AND runsB.n=2 AND runsB.f=1 AND runsB.o=3 

Generates the Par2 Ranking for all the configurations:

        SELECT m, n, f, o, SUM(timedout) AS '#timeout',
        SUM(CASE WHEN timedout==1 THEN 2600 ELSE totaltime END)/COUNT(*) AS Par2Score 
        FROM runs, interestingbenchs
        WHERE runs.bench=interestingbenchs.bench
        GROUP by m, n, f, o
        ORDER BY Par2Score ASC