
Modular twitter/bootstrap


Modular version of twitter/bootstrap with minor differences

The goal is to add a clear separation between the different parts of bootstrap, allowing you to select only the stuff you need and have fine grained control over the generated files.

You can for instance only require the grid + reset + typo.

How to use

Files starting with _ are meant to be included in other files

_global add a context to the final files such as colors, sizes, utility functions. It can be included anywhere and wont generate any css alone.

When generating a build for your use you need to be aware of the include chain in case you made modifications in _global included files.

To be sure you are up to date you need to compile the _* files first, _global right after that, then your final less file.

Differences from Bootstrap

  • .clearfix form row, is called "form-row" now


To build use you favorite minifier/packing util or simply cat on the resulting css files. Dont use less to concat the less files together since global is included more than once it would cause less mixins duplicates.


  • Basic build