Workaround for VueRouter issue #1668 of vuejs/vue-router#1668.
Import AnchorRouterLink from packages and add it to components. Check out the project examples.
import AnchorRouterLink from 'vue-anchor-router-link'
components: {
Use VueAnchorRouterLink to route to an html anchor tag. Use the additional scrollOptions to create a scroll animation. Make sure you implement the same scroll settings like in the VueRouter scrollBehavior function. Leave empty to jump directly to hash.
Scrolls to anchor tag with jump animation.
<anchor-router-link :to="{name: 'Page1', hash: '#start'}">To Start</anchor-router-link>
Scrolls to anchor tag with scroll animation.
:to="{name: 'Page2', hash: '#start'}"
container: "body",
duration: 700,
easing: "ease",
offset: 0,
cancelable: true,
onStart: false,
onDone: false,
onCancel: false,
x: false,
y: true
}">To Start</anchor-router-link>
For more details on scroll animation see:
npm install
# Example 1 (jump animation):
npm run serve-example1
# Example 2 (scroll animation):
npm run serve-example1
npm run lint