
Workaround for VueRouter issue #1668 of vuejs/vue-router#1668.

Project usage

Import AnchorRouterLink from packages and add it to components. Check out the project examples.

import AnchorRouterLink from 'vue-anchor-router-link'

components: {

Use VueAnchorRouterLink to route to an html anchor tag. Use the additional scrollOptions to create a scroll animation. Make sure you implement the same scroll settings like in the VueRouter scrollBehavior function. Leave empty to jump directly to hash.

Jump animation

Scrolls to anchor tag with jump animation.

<anchor-router-link :to="{name: 'Page1', hash: '#start'}">To Start</anchor-router-link>

Scroll Animation

Scrolls to anchor tag with scroll animation.

    :to="{name: 'Page2', hash: '#start'}" 
        container: "body",
        duration: 700,
        easing: "ease",
        offset: 0,
        cancelable: true,
        onStart: false,
        onDone: false,
        onCancel: false,
        x: false,
        y: true
      }">To Start</anchor-router-link>

For more details on scroll animation see:

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for exampless

# Example 1 (jump animation):
npm run serve-example1

# Example 2 (scroll animation):
npm run serve-example1

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint