Java AVM Dect200 Api

Primary LanguageJava

Java AVM Dect200 Api


AVMDect200 fritzbox = new AVMDect200("my_fritz_password", "fritz.box");
ArrayList<AVMDect200.Socket> sockets = fritzbox.getSocketList();
for (AVMDect200.Socket socket : sockets) {
	System.out.println("Name: \t" + socket.getSocketName());
	System.out.println("Id:   \t" + socket.getSocketId());
	System.out.println("OK?:  \t" + socket.getSocketAvailability());
	System.out.println("Watt: \t" + socket.getSocketPower()/1000.0 + "W");
	if (socket.getSocketState())
		System.out.println("State: \tON");
	if (!socket.getSocketState())
		System.out.println("State: \tOFF");
	System.out.println("Temp: \t" + socket.getSocketTemperature()/10.0 + "°C");
Name: 	Wohnzimmer Steckdose
Id:   	087610097318
OK?:  	true
Watt: 	4.0W
State: 	ON
Temp: 	22.8°C


####### public class AVMDect200

AVM Fritzbox Dect-200 Socket Api-Wrapper

  • Author: Mathias Perlet
  • Version: 0.0.1

####### public AVMDect200(String fritzbox_pw)

  • Parameters: fritzbox_pw — the frizbox password for login

####### public AVMDect200(String fritzbox_pw, String host)

  • Parameters:
    • fritzbox_pw — the frizbox password for login
    • host — the fritzbox url, standard is http://fritz.box

####### public void init() throws IOException, InvalidPasswordException

initial communication with the fritzbox generates a session id for further actions

  • Exceptions:
    • IOException — connections errors, like host not found
    • InvalidPasswordException — throws if password not valid

####### private String homeauto_url_with_sid()

  • Returns: the absolute url to fritzbox-api with valid session key

####### private String callCommand(String command, String devId) throws IOException

  • Parameters:
    • command — a valid command from dect200 documentation
    • devId — the dect200 socket AIN (socket-id)
  • Returns: api-response from fritzbox
  • Exceptions: IOException — communication errors

####### public String getInfo() throws IOException

  • Returns: returns a comma separated list of connected socket IDs
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### public String getSocketName(String devId) throws IOException

  • Parameters: devId — the dect200 socket AIN (socket-id)
  • Returns: the configured socket-name like "Living Room"
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### public Boolean getSocketAvailability(String devId) throws IOException

  • Parameters: devId — the dect200 socket AIN (socket-id)
  • Returns: true if the socket is available
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### public int getSocketPower(String devId)

  • Parameters: devId — the dect200 socket AIN (socket-id)
  • Returns: the current power in milli watt as a integer, on error it returns the minimal integer value
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### public int getSocketTemperature(String devId) throws IOException

  • Parameters: devId — the dect200 socket AIN (socket-id)
  • Returns:
    • the current temperature with offset in centi grad celsius (245 is 24.5°C).
    • on error, it returns integer min value
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### public String setSocketOn(String devId) throws IOException

switch a socket on

  • Parameters: devId — the dect200 socket AIN (socket-id)
  • Returns: the success value for switch the socket on
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### public String setSocketOff(String devId) throws IOException

switch a socket off

  • Parameters: devId — the dect200 socket AIN (socket-id)
  • Returns: the success value for switch the socket off
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### public boolean getSocketState(String devId) throws IOException

  • Parameters: devId — the dect200 socket AIN (socket-id)
  • Returns: true if socket is on, false if socket if off
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### public ArrayList<Socket> getSocketList() throws IOException

  • Returns: a ArryList of sockets
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### public String getSID()

  • Returns: current session id for fritzbox communication

####### private String readURL(String url) throws IOException

  • Parameters: url — http communication with the fritzbox-api, only http-GET
  • Returns: returns the http response
  • Exceptions: IOException

####### private String getTagValue(String xml, String tagName)

  • Parameters:
    • xml — every tag must be unique, otherwise it will return an empty string
    • tagName — name of the xml-tag
  • Returns: returns the value from the tag as a string

####### private String md5(String md5)

  • Parameters: md5 — string to hash
  • Returns: returns the md5-hash in utf-16le encoding

####### public static JSONObject xmlToJson(String callbackResponse)

  • Parameters: callbackResponse — xml string
  • Returns: a json-object