
Notes from the AWS Webinar on Lambda https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/events/monthlywebinarseries/

AWS Lambda Webinar

Capabilities, benefits, and best practices

Date: 1/18/17

Presenter: Vyom Nagrani


  • Working with AWS Lambda
  • development and testing
  • deployment and alm
  • security and scaling
  • debugging and operations
  • Q & A

Working with AWS Lambda

Working with AWS Lambda


  • productivity-focused compute platform to build powerful, dynamic, modular applications in the cloud
  • no infrastructure to manage
  • cost-effective and efficient
  • bring your own code

Event sources that trigger AWS

Data Stores

  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon DynamoDB
  • Amazon Kinesis
  • Amazon Cognito


  • Amazon Alexa
  • Amazon API Gateway
  • AWS IoT

Configuration Repositories

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS CloudTrail
  • AWS CodeCommit
  • Amazon CloudWatch

Event/Message Services

  • Amazon SES
  • Amazon SNS
  • Amazon Cron events

Key scenarios and use cases for AWS Lambda

Data Processing

  • stateless processing of discrete or streaming updates to your data-store or message bus

App backend development

  • execute server side backend logic for web, mobile, device, or voice user interactions

Control systems

  • customize responses and response workflows to state and data changes within AWS

Development and testing on AWS Lambda

Getting Started

Bring your own code

  • Node.js 4.3, Java 8, Python 2.7, C#

Simple resource model

  • select power rating from 128 MB to 1.5 GB
  • CPU and network allocated proportionately

Flexible use

  • synchronous or asynchronous
  • integrated with other AWS services


  • Persist data using external storage
  • no affinity or access to underlying infrastructure

Anatomy of a Lambda function

Handler() function

  • the method in your code where AWS Lambda begins execution

Event object

  • Pre-defined object format for AWS integrations & events
  • Java & C# support simplet data types, POJOs/POCOs, and Stream input/output

Context object

  • use methods and properties like getRemainingTimeInMillis(), identity, awsRequestId, invokedFunctionArn, clientContext, logStreamName

FunctionConfiguration metadata


  • enables private communication with other resources within your VPC
  • provide EC2 security group and subnets, auto-creates ENIs
  • Internet access can be added through NAT Gateway


  • failed events sent to your SQS queue / SNS topic
  • redrive messages that Lambda could not process
  • Currently available for asynchronous invocations only


  • Add custom key/value pairs as part of configuration
  • reuse code across different setups or passwords
  • encrypted with specified KMS key on server, decrypted at container init

AWS Lambda Limits

Resource Limits

The container model

Container reuse

  • declarations in your Lambda function code outside handler()
  • disk content in /tmp
  • Background processes or callbacks
  • make use of container reuse opportunistically, e.g.
    • load additional libraries
    • cache static data
    • database connections

Cold starts

  • time to set up a new container ad do necessary bootstrapping when a Lambda function is invoked for the first time or after it has been updated
  • Ways to reduce cold start latency
    • more memory = faster performance, lower startup time
    • smaller function ZIP loads faster
    • Node.js and Python start execution faster than Java and C#

The execution environment

Underlying OS

Available libraries

  • ImageMagick (node.js wrapper and native binary)
  • OpenJDK 1.8, .NET Core 1.0.1
  • AWS SDK for javascript


Building a deployment package

Node.js & Python

  • .zip file consisting of your code and any dependencies
  • use npm/pip to install libraries
  • all dependencies must be at root level


  • either .zip file with all code/dependencies or standalone jar

Managing continuous delivery

managing continuous delivery

Deployment tools and frameworks available


  • AWS Serverless Application Model - extension optimized for Serverless
  • New Serverless resources - APIs, Functions, Tables
  • Open specification (Apache 2.0)


Third-party tools

Function versioning and aliases

  • versions = immutable copies of code + configuration
  • aliases = mutable pointers to versions
  • development against $LATEST version
  • each version/alias gets its own ARN
  • enables rollbacks, staged promotions, "locked" behavior for client

Security and Scaling

The push model and resource policies

Function (resource) policy

  • permissions you grant to your Lambda function determine which service or event source can invoke your function
  • resource policies make it easy to grant cross-account permissions to invoke your Lambda function

The pull model and IAM roles

IAM (execution) role

  • Permissions you grant to this role determine what your AWS Lambda function can do
  • If event source is...

Concurrent executions and throttling

Determining concurrency

  • For stream-based event sources: number of shards per stream is the unit of concurrency
  • For all other event sources: Request rate and duration drives concurrency (concurrency = requests per second * duration)

Throttle behavior

  • For stream-based event sources: automatically retried until data expires
  • For Asynchronous invocations: automatically retried for up to six hours with delays between retries
  • For synchronous invocations:: Invoking application receives a 429 error and is responsible for retries

Other scaling considerations

For lambda

  • remember, a throttle is NOT an error!
  • if you expect sudden large spikes in demand, consider async invocations to Lambda
  • proactively engage AWS Support to increase your throttling limits

For upstream/downstream services

  • build retries/backoff in client apps
  • make sure your downstream setup keeps up
  • limit concurrency when connecting to relational dbs

Debugging and Operations

Errors and retries

Types of errors

  • 4xx Client Error: can be fixed by developer
  • 5xx Server Error: Most can be fixed by admin, e.g. EC2 ENI management errors (502)

Retry Policy

  • For stream-based event sources: Automatically retried until data expires
  • For Asynchronous invocations: Automatically retried 2 extra times, then published to dead-letter queue
  • For Synchronous invocations: Invoking application receives an error code

Tracing and tracking

Integration with AWS X-Ray (coming soon)

  • collects data about requests that your application serves
  • visibility into the AWS Lambda service (dwell time, number of retries, latency, and errors)
  • detailed breakdown of your function's performance, including calls made to downstream services and endpoints

Integrations with AWS CloudTrail

  • capture calls made to AWS Lambda API; deliver log files to Amazon S3
  • tracks the request made to AWS Lambda, the source IP address form which the request was made, who made the request, when it was made
  • All control plane APIs can be tracked ...

Troubleshooting and monitoring


  • every invocation generates START, END, and REPORT entries in CloudWatch Logs
  • User logs included


  • Default (free) Metrics: Invocations, Duration, Throttles, Errors - available as CloudWatch Metrics
  • Additional Metrics: Create custom metrics for tracking health/status
    • Function code vs log-filters
    • ops-centric vs. business-centric

Conclusion and next steps

Key Takeaway

AWS Lambda is one of the core components of the platform AWS provides to develop serverless applications