
Font/sprite packer

Primary LanguageC++


Tiny command-line tool to pack sprites and fonts into a spritesheet. Output is a PNG image (the spritesheet) and a XML description.

The font packer can also add simple effects like outlines, gradients and drop shadows.



./packfont -w 600 -h 256 -s 36 -g 3 -d 2 -e 2 -B 2 -S .4 -i ffffff00-ffffffff-ffff0000 -o ff8f0000-ff3f3f00 DejaVuSans.ttf sample x61-x7a x41-x5a x30-x39



usage: packsprites [options] sheetname spritepath

-b		size of border around the packed sprites, in pixels (default: 2)
-w		spritesheet width (default: 256)
-h		spritesheet height (default: 256)

sheetname is the basename of the generated XML/PNG files, and spritepath is the path of a directory with the sprites to be packed.


usage: packfont [options] font sheetname range...

-b		size in pixels of border around the packed sprites (default: 2)
-w		spritesheet width (default: 256)
-h		spritesheet height (default: 256)
-s		font size (default: 16)
-g		outline radius, in pixels (default: 2)
-i		font color
-o		outline color
-S		drop shadow opacity, between 0 and 1 (default: .2)
-B		drop shadow gaussian blur radius, in pixels (default: 0)
-d		drop shadow x offset, in pixels (default: 0)
-e		drop shadow y offset, in pixels (default: 0)

font is a path to a TrueType font, sheetname is the basename of the generated XML/PNG files, and range is a character range (e.g. x30-x39). Multiple character ranges are accepted.

output format