This is a compressed suffix tree based infinite context size language model capable of indexing terabyte sized text collections.
This code is the basis of the following papers:
Ehsan Shareghi, Matthias Petri, Gholamreza Haffari, Trevor Cohn: Compact, Efficient and Unlimited Capacity: Language Modeling with Compressed Suffix Trees. EMNLP 2015: 2409-2418 (link)
Ehsan Shareghi, Matthias Petri, Gholamreza Haffari, Trevor Cohn: Fast, Small and Exact: Infinite-order Language Modelling with Compressed Suffix Trees. TACL 2016 : 477-490 (link)
Please cite one of our EMNLP2015 and TACL2016 papers, if you use our code!
- Check out the reprository:
git submodule update --init
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
cd build
rm -rf ../collections/unittest/
./create-collection.x -i ../UnitTestData/data/ -c ../collections/unittest
./create-collection.x -i ../UnitTestData/data/ -c ../collections/unittest -1
Create collection:
./create-collection.x -i toyfile.txt -c ../collections/toy
Build index (including quantities for modified KN)
./build-index.x -c ../collections/toy/ -m
Create collection:
./create-collection.x -i toyfile.txt -c ../collections/toy -1
Build index (including quantities for modified KN)
./build-index.x -c ../collections/toy/ -m
Compile moses using
./ --with-cstlm=<path to repo>
Create the collection and build the index for the monolingual corpus
./create-collection.x -i mono.txt -c ../collections/mono
./build-index.x -c ../collections/mono/ -m
Modify moses.ini and replace the KENLM line with
CSTLM-WORD factor=0 order=10 path=<path to collection>/collections/mono/
Compile moses using
./ --with-cstlm=<path to repo>
Create the collection and build the index for the monolingual corpus
./create-collection.x -i mono.txt -c ../collections/mono -1
./build-index.x -c ../collections/mono/ -m
Modify moses.ini and replace the KENLM line with
CSTLM-CHAR factor=0 order=50 path=<path to collection>/collections/mono/