
🖋️ Markdown to LNCS styled PDF and HTML

Primary LanguageTeX

LNCS Markdown

This are TeX and HTML templates as well as a CSS to render LNCS styled papers to PDF and HTML written in Markdown.

Currently only one author is supported.


The papers source markdown file has to have a front-matter with this layout:

title: "My Title"
subtitle: "My Subtitle"
author: Maximilian Irro
email: optional@email.com
institute: My optional Institute
university: My optional University
keywords: "Lorem, ipsum"
abstract: "Lorem ipsum"
bibliography: references.bib
csl: lncs.csl
#    toc: true
#    toc_depth: 2
    number_sections: true
    template: lncs-template.html
    theme: null
    highlight: kate
    css: lncs.css
    self_contained: false
    md_extensions: +footnotes
    fig_caption: yes
    keep_tex: true
    template: lncs-template.tex
    md_extensions: +footnotes

For a full list of output options, see R Markdowns HTML document format and PDF document format.

I added toc, toc_depth and number_sections to the html_document options out of personal favour though this is not conform with the LNCS style. Feel free to remove these.


To generate the PDF:

$ R -q -e "rmarkdown::render('paper.markdown', 'pdf_document')"

To generate the HTML:

$ R -q -e "rmarkdown::render('paper.markdown', 'html_document')"

The Makefile provides the basic targets make pdf and make html.


Note: this are the installation instructions for OSX. For other platforms, use their package managers. The package names might differe there.


The fonts in fonts/ must be installed on your system.


$ brew install pandoc


$ brew install pandoc-citeproc

R Markdown:

$ brew install R
$ R
> install.packages('rmarkdown', dependencies = TRUE)


In the Markdown files front matter there has to be the attribute bibliography: references.bib set, where the specified .bib file contains the references of course.

Citing a reference from the .bib file in the markdown text is simply done via R markdowns citation syntax:

bla bla bla [@xiang2007robust; @wu2005efficiently].

Basically, citations go inside square brackets and are separated by semicolons. Each citation must have a key, composed of @ + the citation identifier from the database.

Paper name

The default paper name used is paper.markdown, which will produce paper.pdf and paper.html. If you want to use a different name, feel free to change the .markdown files name, but keep in mind to alter the PAPER variable in the Makefile if you are using the make build approach.

Note that there is a variable for the markdown file extension MDEXT as well, if you would rather use .md or one of the other 10 or so that are out there.