
An object follower module for robot

Primary LanguageC++



This module outputs the cmd_vel based on the object position detected on the camera

How to install and use

  1. cd && mkdir -p robot_ws/src && cd src
  2. gitclone <https://github.com/mpheng666/object_follower.git>
  3. cd ~/robot_ws && catkin build
  4. source devel/setup.bash
  5. roslaunch object_follower start.launch
  6. roslaunch insert your fav robot_bringup in gazebo
  7. Insert the green_ball object from models into your gazebo world
  8. Drag the ball around and watch your robot chasing it


  1. Current implementation is based on mono colour thresholding
  2. Only single object can be detected
  3. Searching is implemeted with simple spot turn

Future works

  1. Add CNN object classifier
  2. Add multiple object detection
  3. Improve searching strategy